
  • 网络receiver
  1. 收信机出现频率漂移。

    The receiver has occurred frequency shift .

  2. 近/远程接收开关,是用来改变收信机的射频输入,帮助消除过强的附近信号。

    LOC / DX switch . This is used to vary the RF input to the receiver This control is used to help eliminate strong , adjacent signals .

  3. 收信机端试图应用适当的解码手段从劣化的信号中恢复信息的原样。

    The receiver has a decoding mechanism capable of recovering the message within certain limits of signal degradation .

  4. 本文进而提出了检测电台收信机输入噪声的技术方案,供选用。

    In addition , the paper offers a feasible technical proposal for measuring the level of input noises .

  5. 本文特别指出,在小信噪比输入的条件下,非相干解调器的门限效应严重恶化,甚至使收信机无法工作。

    It is emphasized that under some poor SNR conditions , the threshold effect of non-coherent demodulator degrades seriously , even causes the receiver to be out of work .

  6. 给出了传统形式下的手动测试和自动测试平台的比较,并建立了收信机参考灵敏度指标的自动测试平台。

    I will give the difference between manual radio communication test and automatic test platform . In the paper an example of reference sensitivity tested by automatic test platform will be given .

  7. 阐述了开关电容滤波器的基本原理,并对开关电容积分器进行了讨论。研究了开关电容滤波器在收信机静噪系统方面的应用。

    The author describes the fundamental principle of switching capacitor discusses switching capacitor integrators , and studies the application of switching capacitor filter on noise suppressor system of communi & cation receiver .

  8. 组成通信系统的基本要素包括发信机,通道以及收信机。

    The elements of a telecommunication system are a transmitter , a medium ( line ) and possibly a channel imposed upon the medium ( see baseband and broadband as well as multiplexing ), and a receiver .