
shōu lù
  • employ;recruit;take on;include;record;embody
收录 [shōu lù]
  • (1) [include]∶编辑采用

  • 这篇文章已收录在这部短篇小说选中

  • (2) [employ]∶收纳任用

  • 收录职员

  • (3) [record]∶指收音和录音

  • 收录新闻广播

收录[shōu lù]
  1. 近日,一份秘密磁盘被递交给了BBC和Buzzfeed新闻网。该磁盘里面收录了2007年ATP赛事组织方对假球事件的调查结果。

    The cache of documents passed to the BBC and Buzzfeed News include the findings of an investigation set up in 2007 by the ATP

  2. 答:我非常渴望把梵蒂冈博物馆(VaticanMuseums)一幅七米长的地图收录进来。那幅地图被该博物馆命名为《波吉亚长城古卷》(BorgiaGreatWallScroll),可追溯至大约1695年。

    A. I was very keen to include a 7-meter-long [ 23 feet ] map that was in the Vatican Museums , listed there as the Borgia Great Wall Scroll and dating from circa 1695 .

  3. 他们即将发行收录他们最热门歌曲的专辑。

    They are about to release an album of their greatest hits .

  4. 这套盒装专辑收录了64首最好听的当代爱情歌曲。

    This boxed collection captures 64 of the greatest modern love songs .

  5. 事实上,这些唱片收录的大部分乐曲都是没排练过的即兴之作。

    In fact , the recordings were mostly unrehearsed improvisations .

  6. 新专辑主要收录了一些他们曾风靡一时的老歌的混音版本。

    Their new album features remixes of some of their previous hits .

  7. 专辑中收录了该乐队在英国和美国的所有热门单曲。

    The collection includes all the band 's British and American hit singles .

  8. 这张大碟收录了“远大前程”全天秀的现场录音。

    The LP features live recordings from the ' Great Xpectations ' all-day show .

  9. 他收录自世界各地的合唱音乐集取名为《声音》。

    His collection of choral music from around the world is called ' Voices ' .

  10. 该诗集虽然可能号称收录广泛,但并未涵盖所有苏格兰诗歌。

    Varied though the anthology may claim to be , it does not cover the whole gamut of Scottish poetry

  11. 这本小说集收录了他的作品。

    His works are included in this anthology of stories .

  12. 她最新的激光唱片收录了她的所有最佳单曲。

    Her latest CD is a compilation of all her best singles .

  13. 这部词典收录了二万个词条。

    The dictionary contains ( or includes ) 20000 entries .

  14. 这本书收录有追溯到很久以前的一些教会记录。

    The book contained church records going back to the year dot .

  15. 这篇文章已收录在他的选集里。

    This essay is included in his selected works .

  16. 有些画是经典的,收录在艺术史书中。

    Some of the paintings were canonical , included in art-history books .

  17. LOL在2011年被《牛津英语词典》收录。

    LOL was included in Oxford English Dictionary in 2011 .

  18. 他收录了很多他听过以及他创作的谚语。

    He included many proverbs that he had heard or created .

  19. 由于狗被认为具有许多优良的品质,这个词被收录在十多个汉语隐喻中。

    Since dogs are considered to have many good qualities , the word is included in more than 10 Chinese metaphors .

  20. Duckface一词因为被收录进牛津在线词典而获得正式认可,这意味着,你那些拍照时爱嘟嘴的友敌们可以在2015年接着这么干。

    The term “ duck face ” has gained the legitimacy1 that can only be awarded by an entry into OxfordDictionaries.com , meaning that frenemie of yours that keeps quacking2 it up for the camera can continue to do so into 2015 .

  21. 这个词已经被收录到牛津词典中。

    The word has been added to the Oxford dictionary .

  22. 不过让人有些意外的是,“蜗牛信件”这个词早在1982年时就被收录进常用语言词条了。

    Slightly surprisingly , snail mail entered the language as far back as 1982 .

  23. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。

    Though ‘ rage-quit ' was recently added to OxfordDictionaries.com , screen rage 's chances look less than stellar .

  24. 本文根据目前基因库中梨的DNA收录序列,共挖掘出300个简单重复序列。

    Three hundred SSRs were mined from GeneBank Sequence .

  25. 关于CD收录机的音跳问题

    On Problem of CD Radio Cassette ′ s Noise Jump

  26. 典型的例子就是longtimenosee(好久不见),这句中式英文已被收录在了英语词典中。

    The typical example of that is Long time no see ( Haven 't seen you in a while ), a Chinglish expression which has been included in English dictionaries .

  27. 他创作了一些新歌,把它们收录在了“画布幽灵”这张CD里面。

    He co-wrote some new songs and recorded them on a studio CD called Ghost on the Canvas .

  28. 利用Dialog系统进行SCI收录和引文检索的研究

    A Study of Retrieving the Coverage and Citation of SCI with Dialog System

  29. 我国高校科技论文收录SCI影响因素浅析

    Factor Analysis of the Chinese Academic Scientific Papers Cited in SCI

  30. SCI收录西南农业大学学术论文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on Papers from Southwest Agricultural University Collected by SCI