
ɡù yì huǐ huài cái wù zuì
  • crime of intentional destruction or damage of properties
  1. 试论故意毁坏财物罪的客观方面及犯罪对象

    The Comment on the Objective Aspects and Crime Object of Malicious Mischief

  2. 至于盗窃罪与其它相关犯罪的界限,则主要对盗窃罪与诈骗罪、抢夺罪、侵占罪、故意毁坏财物罪以及贪污罪的界限作了论述。

    Meanwhile , the dissertation also discuss the issue to distinguish theft from other similar crimes like fraud , snatch , misappropriation , intentionally destroying possessions and embezzlement .