
mǐn ɡǎn zhuānɡ zhì
  • sensor
  1. 一种导弹触发引信用微机械惯性敏感装置

    A Device of Micro-Mechanical Inertial Sensitive for Missile Impact Fuze

  2. 本论文介绍运用交互三维建筑模型来为救援者提供指示的方位敏感装置。

    This paper proposes a mobile system that uses3D models of the building for giving evacuation instructions to the user .

  3. 激光敏感装置原理实验样机的测试结果表明应用这种方案设计的激光近炸引信能较好的解决定距精度问题。

    The experiment results of the principle prototypes indicated that this proximity fuze could solve the ranging accuracy problem excellently .

  4. 这个微控制器装置是声音敏感装置,在衣服的两个耳朵背后,各有一个按钮,连接着两个电压计,与衣服前端的一个扩音器相连接。

    The microcontroller is responsive to sound and has a button in the back of one of the ears along with two potentiometers and a microphone in the front of the costume .

  5. 有没有压力敏感的装置运行OSX上,但。

    There is no pressure sensitive device running OSX yet .

  6. 使用方位敏感动态装置来提供简单有效的疏散指示能有效提高救援者的决策效力,杜绝救援者发生错误的概率并且将伤亡减至最低。

    A location-aware mobile application for giving evacuation instructions in simple and effective ways can be useful to improve users'decision making , preventing users'errors and minimizing casualties .

  7. 放射性敏感元件驾驶装置

    Semiconductor radiation sensitive element nuckonic steering

  8. 本实用新型涉及发信号装置及报警装置类,特别涉及一种连续波多敏感头探测装置。

    The utility model relates to a signalling device and alarming device class , particularly a multi-sensitive head detector of a continuous wave .

  9. 本文叙述了一种测量边缘对比度(敏感度)的装置。

    A device for measuring the edge contrast or contrast sensitivity is introduced .