
  • 网络sensitizers;sensitives
  1. 目的探讨听力对噪声敏感者与不敏感者在DNA水平是否存在差异。

    Object To investigate the difference of DNA between the workers with super sensitive and non sensitive hearing to noise exposure .

  2. 个体化学负荷敏感性比较表明,对CO2敏感者通常对缺氧亦较敏感,但不同个体间存在较大差异。

    Comparison of individual chemical sensitivity showed that the more sensitive individual is to hypercapnia , the more sensitive to hypoxia . But there were significant differences among individuals .

  3. 敏感者高盐负荷后与平衡饮食期相比,葡萄糖负荷试验后的1h及曲线下面积亦有升高倾向。

    After salt loading , the glucose levels in 60 minutes OGTT and the area under curves of glucose in SS were higher than those in the balanced salt diet .

  4. 静脉盐负荷对高血压盐敏感者肾脏PGI2及TXA2的影响及盐敏感性高血压的胰岛素抵抗

    Insulin resistance and effects of intravenous acute saline load on renal production of prostaglandin I_2 and thromboxane A_2 in salt-sensitive hypertensive patients

  5. 方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)军人版对某驻岛部队军人191名进行心理测查,将其中人际关系敏感者用认知疗法进行心理干预,观察干预效果。

    METHODS : Totally 191 soldiers in island army were investigated with the symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 , army version ), and those with interpersonal sensitivity received psychological intervention , and then the interventional effects were observed .

  6. 目的观察急性静脉盐水负荷对高血压盐敏感者肾脏PGI2及TXA2的影响及盐敏感性高血压的胰岛素抵抗情况。

    Objective To investigate insulin resistance and the effects of intravenous acute saline load on renal production of prostaglandin I2 ( PGI2 ) and thromboxane A2 ( TXA2 ) in salt-sensitive hypertensive patients .

  7. 镍敏感者对欧币的反应性和敏感性阈值

    Reactivity to euro coins and sensitization thresholds in nickel-sensitive subjects

  8. 慢性盐负荷对血压正常盐敏感者血管内皮标志物的影响

    Effect of chronic salt loading on vascular endothelium markers in normotensive salt-sensitive people

  9. 他们就是我们所称的天气敏感者。

    They are what we call weather sensitive people .

  10. 超敏感者与生俱来就与众不同。

    Hypersensitives are born different from everyone else .

  11. 皮肤敏感者如有不适请暂停使用。

    Notice : People with sensitive skin should stop using it when feeling uncomfortable .

  12. 原发性高血压盐敏感者左心室重量变化及其与钠代谢的关系

    Left Ventricular Mass and Its Relationship With Sodium Metabolism in Salt Sensitive Essential Hypertensive Patients

  13. 青少年盐敏感者盐敏感性的远期可重复性及血压的增龄性改变

    The reproducibility of salt sensitivity and the blood pressure change with age in salt-sensitive teenagers

  14. 部分非常敏感者可能在多云天气中感觉到情绪变化。

    Some very sensitive individuals may note changes in mood during long stretches of cloudy weather .

  15. 结论盐敏感者钠盐摄入量并不比盐不敏感者高;

    Conclusion Sodium salt intake is not high in salt-sensitive subjects than that in non-salt-sensitive subjects .

  16. 奥布里:因为过去的研究显示,味觉超敏感者对许多食物的味觉感受都比较强烈。

    Aubrey : Because past studies have shown that supertasters experience stronger taste sensations from lots of foods .

  17. 不同龋敏感者变异链球菌临床分离株两种生存状态蛋白表达研究

    The Study of Protein Expression Differences between Two Status of Streptococcus Mutans Clinical Isolates from Different Caries-sensitive Individuals

  18. 用一种新的混合香料做斑贴试验检测出用目前使用的混合香料未检测出的香料敏感者

    Patch testing with a new fragrance mix detects additional patients sensitive to perfumes and missed by the current fragrance mix

  19. 结论适度的前庭刺激训练对提高运动病敏感者的空间定向适应能力有益。

    Conclusion Appropriate vestibular stimuli training is helpful for enhancement of human space orientation adaptability in the motion sickness susceptible subjects .

  20. 当他让他的志愿者品尝咸味食品时,他觉得味觉超敏感者应该不会吃很多。

    When he gave his volunteers salty foods , he figured that the supertasters wouldn 't want too much of it .

  21. 高血压盐敏感者血管性血友病因子与尿内皮素-1及动态血压的关系

    Circulating levels of von Willebrand factor and its relation with urinary endothelin-1 excretion and ambulatory blood pressure in salt sensitive hypertensive patients

  22. 鉴于他们是超敏感者,我所使用的措辞会帮助他们认识到他们是多么正常。

    The phrasing I 've used should help the SuperSensitive Person realize just how normal they are , given they are an SSP !

  23. 结论:认知疗法对人际关系敏感者干预效果好,有助于军人心理成长。

    CONCLUSION : Cognition therapy has better interventional effect on soldier with interpersonal sensitivity , and it is good for their mental health .

  24. 目的探讨不同龋敏感者变异链球菌临床分离株的生物膜形成和产酸能力。

    Objective : To observe the inhibitory effect of anti-streptococcus mutants Hen egg yolk ( IgY ) on production of acid by Streptococcus mutants .

  25. 测定其全基因表达谱,利用基因表达富集分析法比较不同种族之间、胰岛素抵抗和胰岛素敏感者之间的基因表达谱差异。

    Global gene expression profiles were determined and compared between ethnic groups and between insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive participants individually and using gene-set enrichment analysis .

  26. 不管出于何种原因,艺术家作为文化发展最敏感者之一,应关注普遍意义上的人民大众,体现知识分子应有的社会责任感。

    Being one of the most sensitive parties in culture development , artists should undoubtedly take the expected social responsibility by giving more concern over the public .

  27. 这个测试的重点在于帮助超敏感者确认他们是超敏感的,同时这也是一种“肯定的练习”,考虑到他们会更清晰地“看到他们自己”。

    The focus of the test is to help the SuperSensitive confirm that they are SuperSensitive and to be an affirming exercise , given they will'see themselves'more clearly .

  28. 海斯:比如,我们知道,味觉超敏感者只需食用较少的脂肪和糖就会拥有和其他人一样的满足感。

    Hayes : So , for example , we know that they need less fat and sugar to get to the same amount of pleasure than a non-taster does .

  29. 有许多乳突的人被称为味觉超敏感者,因为他们的实际感知能力很强,比如他们能品尝出芝麻菜的苦味或是豌豆的微小甜味。

    People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive , say , the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea .

  30. 乳晕及唇部等粘膜部位专用,起效快,作用强,快速着色,留色稳定,中途禁用!特别适用于痛神经敏感者。

    Areola and lips , such as special effect-acting mucosal parts faster , strong , fast shading , role leave color stability , midway disable ! Especially suitable for pain neural sensitive person .