
  1. 结合电动汽车电路,全面分析了EMC问题的主要因素,即电磁骚扰源、传输途径和敏感设备。

    Analyzes the problem from the main factors of the source , approach and the sensitive equipment .

  2. 计算结果显示,距雷击通道200m以内的近场对敏感设备及系统构成的威胁最为严重,应作为地闪电磁脉冲环境预测研究的重点。

    The results reveal that near fields in a range of 200 m constitute the most severe threat to sensitive facilities and systems , which should be highlighted in the study of LEMP environmental forecasting .

  3. 敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度的随机-模糊评估方法

    A Stochastic-Fuzzy Assessment Method for Voltage Sag Sensitivity of Sensitive Equipment

  4. 一种电压暂降对敏感设备影响程度评估的新方法

    New Method for Estimating Influence Degree of Sensitive Equipment to Voltage Sag

  5. 敏感设备电压暂降敏感度模糊评估方法

    Sensitivity Evaluation of Sensitive Equipment Based on Fuzzy Theory Due to Voltage Sags

  6. 从敏感设备入手对保护的各个端口的抗扰度进行了研究。

    Furthermore , the immunity of different ports in protective device has been thoroughly studied in this desertion .

  7. 提出利用过程性能指数评估节点电压凹陷对一般敏感设备的影响程度。

    The paper estimates the influence extent of node voltage sags on general equipment sensitivity by process performance index .

  8. 在研究负荷分类的基础上,本文探讨了在配电网重构时要针对的对象以及配电网重构时获取用户敏感设备资料的实用的方法;

    The object and the method to acquire the user 's information is discussed after studying loads ' sensitive class ;

  9. 包括电磁干扰的三要素即骚扰源、传输途径、敏感设备。

    It includes three key elements of electromagnetic interference that are harassment of the source , transmission routes and sensitive equipment .

  10. 电压暂降因为对敏感设备的危害而成为最受关注的电能质量问题之一。

    Voltage sag is one of the most concerned power quality disturbances in power systems because of its severe damage to voltage-sensitive loads .

  11. 但对于这些设备,仅几个周期的电压暂降和中断都将造成严重的后果,电压暂降是这些敏感设备不能正常工作的主要原因。

    For these sensitive devices only several cycles of Voltage sig and interruption are the main reason for the sensitive devices working abnormal .

  12. 根据系统电磁拓扑的分解结果,将高速动车组系统分为骚扰源、传输耦合途径和敏感设备三部分分别进行研究。

    Secondly , according to the decomposition results of system electromagnetic topology , the system is divided into three parts disturbance source , coupling path and sensitive equipment .

  13. 根据电磁兼容的干扰源、传播途径和敏感设备三要素,分析了静态电器中电磁兼容的基本技术和具体实现方法。

    From three hands , noise source , conduct path and interfered device , the method and technology are discussed to improve the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic device .

  14. 可见光通信的一大好处在于:它在装有可能会受无线电信号干扰的敏感设备的场所能派上用场,如飞机上及手术室内。

    A big advantage of light is that it can be used in areas which contain sensitive equipment that radio signals might interfere with , such as aircraft and operating theatres .

  15. 周二早些时候,欧盟就该法出台了一系列措施,包括限制向香港特区出口最终在该地使用的特定敏感设备和技术。

    Earlier on Tuesday , the EU set out a package of measures concerning the law , including limiting export of specific sensitive equipment and technologies for end use in Hong Kong .

  16. 反作用轮高速旋转是卫星结构的扰动源之一,受反作用轮扰动的影响,航天器整体结构会产生微小振动从而影响高精度敏感设备的指向精度和工作性能。

    Reaction wheel is one of the disturbance sources for satellite structures , which leads to vibration of the satellite structures and decrease the work capability and pointing precision of the sensitive equipments .

  17. 随着各行各业对电源的性能提出了更高的要求,许多行业的用电设备都不是直接使用通用交流电网提供的交流电作为电能源,而是采用逆变电器为各种敏感设备提供高质量的交流电能。

    With higher requirement for the performance of power supply , the electrical equipments in many industries prefer to apply the inverters to provide high-quality AC power rather than being supplied directly by power grid .

  18. 结合电磁兼容性试验的实践经验,从电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备这3个发生电磁兼容性问题的主要因素入手,对电磁兼容性试验中易于超标的项目,提出了若干解决问题的思路和方法。

    Combining with the practices and experiences on EMC test and starting with the three factors of EMC test problems , some methods to solve the problems on EMC test are brought forward in this paper .

  19. 简要介绍了随着电子科学技术的发展电子设备在复杂电磁环境中的电磁兼容问题,给出了电子设备发生电磁干扰的三个因素:电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备。

    This paper simply introduces the problem of electromagnetic compatibility in modern complicated electromagnetic environment with the development of electron technology , comes up with three factors of electromagnetic interference : source of electromagnetic interference ; coupling approach and sensitivity equipment .

  20. 文中从电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备三要素入手,介绍了三种目前常用的电磁兼容设计方法:测试修改法、规范法和系统设计法。

    This article from the electromagnetism interfere source , the coupling way , the sensitive device three essential factors obtains , introduced three at present commonly used electromagnetic compatibility design method : test revision method , standard method and system design method .

  21. 这将使卡片机(tablet)和其他对压力敏感的设备使用GIMP。

    This will enable tablets and other pressure-sensitive devices to work with GIMP .

  22. 例如,诺基亚的YoungheeJung女士目前正从事“世界语手势”的开发工作,目的是控制这些对环境敏感的设备。

    Nokia 's Ms Jung , for instance , is working on a project to develop an " Esperanto of gestures " to control such environmentally aware devices .

  23. 该机构指出,只有靠近欢庆人群的非常敏感的设备才能捕捉到这种地表活动。

    It points out that only very sensitive equipment located near celebrating crowds would pick up such activity .

  24. 第一,它会侵蚀一些材料的表面。这种轻微的侵蚀用照相机或者其它敏感的设备看很明显。

    First , it erodes the surfaces of some materials.The erosion is slight , but it can be significant for camera lenses or other sensitive equipment .

  25. 这种重载流电缆周围的极低频磁场可能干扰附近敏感电子设备的正常运行,甚至影响暴露于该场下的人体的健康。

    But the extremely low frequency ( ELF ) magnetic fields generated by such cables may cause disturbances to nearby electronic apparatus and may even affect the human health .

  26. 对频率敏感的设备应在其额定频率下对其进行测定。设备上还要标明不只一个能使设备温度最大限度增高的频率值。

    Frequency-sensitive equipment shall be tested at rated frequency , and equipment marked with more than one frequency shall be tested at the frequency that will produce the maximum temperature rise .

  27. 韩国警方表示,这两名男子被指控搜集能够干扰全球定位系统讯号设施以及其他敏感军事设备的情报,于5月初被拘留。

    Police said the men were detained in early May after allegedly collecting information on devices capable of disturbing global positioning system ( GPS ) signals and other sensitive military equipment .

  28. 对核、生、化以及导弹领域的敏感技术和设备进行严格的出口控制是防扩散政策的重要组成部分。

    The export control of sensitive technologies and devices related to nuclear , biological and chemical bombs and missiles is a critical part of nonproliferation policies .

  29. 空天飞行器热障问题、高温环境下对温度敏感的仪器设备的热保护问题、电子器件散热问题等均需要有效隔热和积极散热措施。

    The heat insulation and active coolings are all needed in the thermal barrier issue of space vehicle , the temperature control of temperature-sensitive equipment , and heat dissipation of electronic devices .

  30. 电磁脉冲对电子设备以及电力系统的干扰,不仅降低了电子设备的工作性能,还可能对一些比较敏感的电子设备造成毁灭性的破坏。

    For the electromagnetic interference , it is not only reduced the performance of electronic equipment , but also interfered strongly or even seriously damaged electronic equipments and electric system working under nature conditions .