
shù jù yín hánɡ
  • data bank
  1. 数据银行技术在物探数据管理中的应用现状

    A review on the application of the data bank technique to the management of geophysical data

  2. 使用该系统可以快速、准确、全面地了解和掌握目标企业的信息,为该数据银行对企业进行评估提供了一个很好的信息采集平台。

    We can master the information of the goal corporation quickly , accurately and comprehensively by using this system which provides a good information platform to the data bank to assess a corporation .

  3. 世界卫生组织驻日内瓦的发言人迪克汤普森(dickthompson)表示,世界卫生组织希望与雅加达展开探讨,了解他们是“为何认为实验网络和数据银行遭到滥用”。

    Dick Thompson , a who spokesman in Geneva , said the agency wanted to discuss with Jakarta " how they think the laboratory network and databank have been misused " .

  4. 依托现代计算机技术、网络技术,建立了测井数据银行。

    And hence , a logging databank has been set up with the help of morden computer and network technique .

  5. 它们还将要求把场外合约(买家和卖家达成的双边协议)报告给“交易数据库”或数据银行,以便监管机构能够获得这些信息。

    They will also require OTC contracts the bilateral agreements between buyers and sellers to be reported to " trade repositories " or data banks , and for this information to be available to regulators .

  6. 数据银行技术给用户提供了一个高性能的存贮管理系统,提供更安全的快速联机访问,可以大幅度降低存贮、维护资料成本,节省寻找资料时间,帮助地学家更好地作出决策。

    The data bank technique provides the users with a high-performance storage and management system and safer rapid on-line visit so as to reduce the cost of storage and preservation of data , save the time of searching for data and help geologists to make decision in a better way .

  7. 基于J2EE模式的数据集中式银行国际业务处理系统

    Centralized International Trading Process System Based on J2EE Architecture

  8. 根据多元化运动组织OpportunityNow在10月公布的数据,银行和金融服务业略超过十分之一的女性员工表示,她们遭受过性骚扰。

    According to figures published in October by diversity campaign group Opportunity Now , a little more than a 10th of women working across banking and financial services said they had suffered sexual harassment .

  9. 然而,雅虎强调,支付卡数据和银行账户信息没有被窃。

    Yahoo stressed however that payment card data and bank account information has not been compromised . It said :

  10. 实现了一个数据挖掘银行卡系统,本文对这个系统的体系结构、数据模型以及各个功能模块都做了详细的介绍。

    In this paper , we describe the architecture , data models and every functional module of the system in detail .

  11. 同时对银行垄断情况采用市场集中度、赫希曼-赫芬达尔指数等指标进行定量分析,用数据对银行垄断获利情况进行直观的展示。

    While the Bank of monopoly use of market concentration , Hirschman-Herfindahl index were quantitatively analyzed data on bank profitability of monopoly intuitive display .

  12. 贷款正迅速增加:根据美联储的数据,银行未偿还贷款总额现在达到9.8万亿美元,为纪录高点。

    Lending is growing quickly : total bank credit outstanding now stands at $ 9.8tn , according to fed data , a record high .

  13. 第四章为实证研究,利用全国和分区域的面板数据对银行业发展中地方政府干预进行实证分析。

    The fourth chapter is the empirical study , using the national and Regional Panel Data to analyze the effect of local government intervention on the development of banking .

  14. 第二,由于成都市商业银行的具体数据涉及银行保密性,这对本文的案例分析所得出的结论有一定程度的影响。

    Second , because commercial banks in Chengdu specific data related to bank secrecy , which is the case of this analysis concluded that there is a certain extent .

  15. 基于此,本文利用郑州市2003&2009年的季度数据对银行信贷和房地产价格波动之间的关系进行了实证分析。

    Based on this , by using the quarterly data from 2003 to 2009 in Zhengzhou City , this paper did a empirical analysis of the relationship between bank credit and real estate price fluctuation .

  16. 这些专家在报告中表示,任何赋予政府获得加密通讯信息等特殊权限的做法,从技术层面而言都不具有可行性,而且会使机密数据及银行和电网等基础设施暴露在风险之下。

    In the report , the group said any effort to give the government exceptional access to encrypted communications was technically unfeasible and would leave confidential data and critical infrastructure like banks and the power grid at risk .

  17. 这些专家在报告中表示,任何赋予政府获得加密通讯信息等“特殊权限”的做法,从技术层面而言都不具有可行性,而且会使机密数据及银行和电网等基础设施暴露在风险之下。

    In the report , the group said any effort to give the government " exceptional access " to encrypted communications was technically unfeasible and would leave confidential data and critical infrastructure like banks and the power grid at risk .

  18. 关于数据仓库在银行信贷业CRM系统的应用研究

    Application Study of Data Warehouse in CRM of Bank Credit Industry

  19. 基于制造业ERP构建企业多层数据仓库商业银行基层网点企业文化建设研究

    Framework of multi-layer enterprise data warehouse based on manufacturing industry ERP ; On the Corporate Cultural Construction of the Banking Outlets

  20. 根据贝恩(bain)的数据,本地银行占据了近90%的市场份额。

    Domestic banks have almost 90 per cent of the market , according to Bain .

  21. 根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)提供的数据,这些银行直接或间接投向房地产的贷款,占到它们贷款余额的近50%。

    The banks ' direct and indirect exposure to real estate is nearly 50 per cent of their outstanding loans , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  22. 本文实例分析部分从客户产品偏好细分模型、客户营销响应模型和客户流失预警模型三个方面讲述了数据挖掘在银行零售CRM分析中的具体应用。

    This article use customer product preferences segmentation model , customer marketing response model , customer churn prediction model describes three aspects of data mining in CRM Analysis .

  23. 这些数据将巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)上一次改变规则的影响做成了模型上次改变收窄了银行可计入核心一级资本比率的定义。

    The data model the impact of earlier rule changes approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision narrowing the definition of what banks can count towards core tier one capital ratio .

  24. 本文通过引用相关数据研究w银行房地产开发贷款现状,提出其贷后管理工作存在借款人风险、项目风险和贷款管理风险。

    By studying the current situation of W Bank real estate development loans with relevant data , this article points out that there are borrower risk , project risk , and loans to manage risk .

  25. 根据dealogic的数据,全球银行债券发行规模为1.26万亿美元,为2002年以来最低。

    Global debt issuance by banks stands at $ 1.26tn the lowest since 2002 according to figures from Dealogic .

  26. 无线数据服务在银行、证券、商务、贸易等方面的应用越来越广泛,迫切需要更加完善的无线公钥基础设施(PKI)以保障服务的安全性。

    The broad application of wireless data services in banking , security , business and trades urgently asks for more perfect wireless public key infrastructure ( PKI ) technology to guarantee service security .

  27. 这个模型挖掘美国证交会(SEC)的数据库,该数据库包含被指责存在会计问题的公司的数据。德意志银行的这一举动突显出,银行、交易公司和监管机构都越来越多地求助于新技术解决方案来发现市场滥用行为。

    It mines the Securities and Exchange Commission 's database of companies censured for accounting problems - highlighting how banks , trading firms and regulators are increasingly turning to novel technological solutions to uncover market abuses .

  28. 鉴别货币市场对银行担忧程度的途径之一,是远期利率协议/隔夜指数掉期(fra/ois)息差,该数据衡量向银行提供三个月贷款的纯信贷风险,剔除利率波动影响。

    One way to isolate money market concern about banks is the FRA / OIS spread , which measures the pure credit risk of lending to banks for three months , stripping out interest rate fluctuations .

  29. 根据moebs的数据,各家银行今年的透支费中值已从25美元上升至26美元,这是40多年来该数值首次在危机中走高。

    The median bank overdraft fee has this year risen to $ 26 from $ 25 , according to Moebs the first time it has gone up in a recession for more than 40 years .

  30. 基于数据仓库的银行非现场稽核监控系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Bank Non-spot Audit System Based on Data Warehouse