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wén shì
  • Scholar;man of letters
文士 [wén shì]
  • [man of letters] 读书人;文人

  1. 隋炀帝兼备多重身份:皇帝、文士和佛道信徒,这些不同的身份在他的诗歌创作中都有明显的反映。

    He had many identities such as emperor , man of letters , and believer of Buddhism and Taoism , which were also represented in his poems .

  2. 西域文士在元代社会中的角色与地位&以赡思为个案研究肯尼思,2004年雅典奥运会的帆船比赛地点在什么地方?

    The Role and Status of Man of Letters in West Region in Yuan Dynasty & Take Shansi as an Example ; Kenneth , what 'll be the venue for sailing at Athens 2004 ?

  3. 很多是恨耶稣的人。马太福音27章40-42节讲到,这些人说:“你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!”祭司长和文士并长老也是这样戏弄他,说:“他救了别人,不能救自己。

    Most were enemies of the Lord Jesus and in Matthew 27 : 40-42 we read that they cried out , " If you are the Son of God , come down from the cross . The chief priests mocked him , with the scribes and elders , saying , " He saved others ; but he cannot save himself .

  4. 福音书的名字是后来文士加上去的。

    The names in the Gospels were added by later scribes .

  5. 如理想破灭的古代中国文士。

    Just as the ancient Chinese litterateurs with their broken dreams .

  6. 说,文士和法利赛人,坐在摩西的位上。

    The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses'seat .

  7. 所以我差谴先知和智慧人并文士,到你们这里来。

    Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers .

  8. 这就是耶稣,耶稣是优良的文士。

    This is what Jesus was , Jesus was a good scribe .

  9. 祭司长和文士,都站着极力的告他。

    And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him .

  10. 他在文士的职位上是成功的,但在政治上的表现却是平庸的。

    In his scribes position is successful , but political performance was mediocre .

  11. 第八章是对长安佛教文学的代表文士王维的研究。

    Chapter VIII is the study on behalf of scribes & Wang Wei .

  12. 论男性文士对于女性优伶的文学描述及其文化阐述

    On the Literate and Cultural Description of Male Scholars to Female Opera Actress

  13. 如能达到这一点,作者将甚为欣慰。由入馆文人籍贯可以推断,北齐文士主要来自于北方士族,尤其是山东士族。

    Most literary authors of the Northern Qi Dynasty derived from Shandong province .

  14. 从赠答诗看魏晋文士集团的精神气象

    Seeing the Spiritual Atmosphere of the Wei-Jin Literati Groups in the Presentable Poems

  15. 论男性文士和女性优伶的文化交游

    Culture On the cultural communication between the traditional male scholars and the traditional actresses

  16. 你们这假冒为善的文士和法利赛人有祸了。

    Woe to you , teachers of the law and pharisees , you hypocrites !

  17. 二是作为文士心中的审美理想而存在。

    Secondly , existing as the aesthetic ideal .

  18. 二,梁孝王与梁苑文士集团。

    Part two , the king of Liang Dynasty and Liang yuan scholar group .

  19. 文士为何要受更重的刑罚?

    Why the scribes shall receive greater condemnations ?

  20. 有几个文士坐在那里,心里议论说

    But there were certain of the scribes sitting there , and reasoning in their hearts

  21. 那时有法利赛人和文士,从耶路撒冷来见耶稣说

    Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked

  22. 有几个文士说,夫子,你说得好。

    Then certain of the scribes answering said , master , thou hast well said .

  23. 中国文士园意境意匠的商榷论文还对当代有关理论与实践研究进行了评论与分析。

    At last , we study the contemporary theory and works about Chinese scholar garden .

  24. 有几个文士心里说,这个人说僭妄的话了。

    And , behold , certain of the scribes said within themselves , This man blasphemeth .

  25. 九华四俊诗歌的主题取向,在晚唐众多文士中有一定的典型性。

    Their theme orientation in poems is typical among many scholars in the late Tang Dynasty .

  26. 作为唐代文士的唐传奇作者们,受到了时代崇史观念的影响。

    As Tang Dynasty scholars , the Tang romance authors were influenced by this time idea .

  27. 一门武将、文士兼备,是宋代由军功家族向文学家族成功转型的代表。

    It was the representative who successfully transformed from the war service family to literary family .

  28. 第二天,官府,长老,和文士,在耶路撒冷聚会。

    The next day the rulers , elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem .

  29. 当时北方文士大多南逃,文坛一片沉寂。

    At that time most north literati fleed to south , the north literary circles were quiet .

  30. 因为他教训他们,正像有权柄的人,不像他们的文士。

    For he taught them as [ one ] having authority , and not as the scribes .