
  1. 所有曹操宗族墓群的文字砖对研究汉魏时期社会状况,汉末的思想文化,中国古代汉字书体的演变等是极具价值的。

    All these text bricks are extremely valuable for studies of the social conditions in Han and Wei Dynasties , the ideology and culture in the late East-Han Dynasty , the evolution of ancient Chinese chirography .

  2. 本文针对出土文字砖的照片、拓片、释文、文物资料,借助相关书目运用史料学、文献学等方法作探索与总结,给予分类,阐释其史料价值、书体演进及书法价值等问题。

    Based on photos , rubbings , interpretations , and cultural relics of unearthed text bricks , this paper makes exploration , summarization and classification by using historical science and philology to reveal their historical significance , the evolution of chirography and calligraphy value .