
  1. 他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹。

    He went to the men 's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt

  2. 两个留守的海盗都在甲板上,戴红帽的仰面躺在甲板上,伊斯莱尔·汉兹靠在船舷上,脸色苍白。他们周围的甲板上有斑斑血迹,

    The two men were there , red-cap on his back , Israel Hands against the side , his face white There was dark blood around them on the deck ,

  3. 在他们搏斗过的地板上留下了斑斑血迹。

    There were bloodstains on the floor where they had been fighting .

  4. 他说你只需看一看我衬衫上的斑斑血迹。

    Said just take a look at my bloody shirt .

  5. 在那些树下,有几只山鸡四下里躺着,它们华丽的羽毛上沾着斑斑血迹;

    Under the trees several pheasants lay about , their rich plumage dabbled with blood ;

  6. 有一些赤脚土兵行军时在雪地里留下了斑斑血迹。

    Some of his barefoot men left blood marks on the snow as they marched .

  7. 我看到披荆斩棘者留下的斑斑血迹,看到无畏的跋涉者走过的深深脚印。

    I see brave man leave bloodstain , I see fearless trek who pass deeply footprint .

  8. 你留下了我亲吻的痕迹,我保留了你激情时斑斑血迹。

    You had left the mark for my kiss , and I remained the bloodstain of you were excited .

  9. 这部影片的主角是由红色蚂蚁和形状如恐龙的生物组成的大军,它们如军队般整齐行进,最终陷入血战,留下一片废墟和斑斑血迹。

    The film features armies of red glossy ants and dinosaurlike creatures marching in militaristic unison , and eventually waging bloody battles that leave a trail of destruction and blood .

  10. 在美利坚诞生的年月,在那些最寒冷的日子里,为数不多的爱国者聚集在一条冰河的岸边,身旁的篝火即将熄灭,首都已经撤防,敌人正在进攻,雪地沾满了斑斑血迹。

    In the year of America 's birth , in the coldest of months , a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river . The capital was abandoned . The enemy was advancing . The snow was stained with blood .