
  • 网络Circuit breaker;contact breaker
  1. 磁电机断电器臂接触点滑动接触点式分电器

    Magneto breaker arm point wipe contact type distributor

  2. 减少自感放电损失只需改变断电器凸轮廓线和减少消火花电容器容量,增加点火线圈的储能可以增加火花能量。

    To decrease this energy loss , just change the raised contour line of the breaker cam and reduce the capacity of the spark capacitor . The energy of the sparks can be increased by increasing the energy reserving amount of the ignition coil .

  3. 电缆接点处接触不良磁电机断电器臂接触点

    Poor contact at the junction of cable magneto breaker arm point

  4. 磁电机断电器臂接触点玛丽的断臂必须接骨。

    Mary 's broken arm had to be reset .

  5. 磁电机断电器臂接触点电磁调速异步电动机

    Magneto breaker arm point electromagnetic adjustable speed asynchronous motor

  6. 磁电机断电器臂接触点你的断臂情况如何?

    How 's your broken arm getting on ?

  7. 保险丝或断电器可以保护电路中的电线不致过热。

    The wires in circuits are kept from heating by either fuses or circuit breakers .

  8. 磁电机断电器臂接触点

    Motor-operated potentiometer magneto breaker arm point

  9. 磁电机断电器臂接触点破坏包络线断裂点轨迹

    Magneto breaker arm point failure envelope

  10. 通地泄露电路断电器

    Earth leakage circuit breaker

  11. 而采用不完全星形接线,在某两相发生相间短路时,保护装置的灵敏度将减小一半,但可采取在其公共线上接入第三个电流断电器的方法提高其灵敏度。

    However , a third circuit relay can be used on common lines in order to improve the sensitivity .

  12. 在低压交流接触器闭合和分断电器回路时,其触头间会产生电弧。

    When low-voltage AC contactor is closed or breaking electric loops , electric arc will be generated between the contact terminals .

  13. 弹簧计用来检测弹簧压力,可弯曲断电器臂弹簧进行调整。安装制动弹簧用手钳

    A spring gauge can be used to measure the spring pressure . Adjustment is made by bending the Breaker-lever spring . brake spring pliers

  14. 在早期组件预热炉温控线路基础上,引入带分励脱扣装置断路器、固态断电器、并选择适当报警保护方式,使控温过程更理想。

    To make the process of temperature control more ideal by introduce breaker with magnetic releasing , solid relay , and optional alarm protective type .

  15. 电弧开断是开关电器设计和研制的关键。

    Arc interruption is critical for R & D of switch apparatus .