
  • 网络Sensor
  1. 切削刀具测温传感器SiO2多层复合绝缘薄膜的制备及其性能表征

    Preparation and characterization of SiO_2 multilayer composite insulating film for cutter temperature measurement sensor

  2. 本文介绍了微机微波腔内热疗仪的原理和结构,对辐射器热场分布,测温传感器抗干扰措施以及PID控制算法引入并针对人体组织模型的特点实施整定的方法进行了研究。

    The principle and construction of a microcomputer microwave cavity hypertherm are described , Applicator design , temperature measuring sensor in electromagnetic field , application of PID control adapted human cavity model are studied in this paper .

  3. 用廉价的热敏电阻作测温传感器,利用BASIC单片机的测量电阻的独特功能,可以设计一种新颖的粮温数据采集系统。

    A new grain temperature data acquiring system was desinged by using inexpensive thermistor and the unique function of measuring resistance of BASIC single chip computer .

  4. 本文介绍了一种用CAD绘图技术选用测温传感器在定子分数槽绕组中安放位置的方法。

    The paper introduces the way to find out the position to fix the measuring temprature sensors with the drawing technique of CAD .

  5. 对一组测温传感器所做的静态标定实验表明,用一次B样条函数构造的静特性方程式对实验数据组有较好的拟合效果。

    An experiment of static calibration for thermistor transducer shows that constructed static characteristic equation by first order B-spline function has made considerable fitting results for static calibration data of the transducer .

  6. 本文充分利用CMAC神经网络的非线性函数逼近功能,并结合电站数据采集和监测系统,提出一种校正电站测温传感器非线性输出特性的新方法。

    This paper presents one new method of nonlinear calibration for temperature measurement sensors of power plant , which is based on CMAC neural network and data collecting and monitoring system .

  7. 铂电阻测温传感器的间歇电流激励方法

    Driven method with intermittent current to platinum sensor of measuring temperature

  8. 高压电力设备用数字式红外测温传感器的研制

    Development of digital infrared temperature sensor for high voltage power equipment

  9. 光纤比色测温传感器的原理及设计

    Principle and design of the fiber-optic gas temperature sensor based on colorimetry

  10. 测温传感器响应特性及其在资料同化中的应用

    Response of Temperature - Sensing Element and Its Application in Data Assimilation

  11. 数字式高精度测温传感器线性电路的设计

    Design of the Digital High Precision Temperature-measuring Sensor Linear Circuit

  12. 提高测温传感器的响应速度减少测量误差

    Increasing Response Speed and Decreasing Measurement Error of Temperature Transducer

  13. 基于在线黑体空腔理论的钢水连续测温传感器的研制

    Development of Continuous Temperature Measuring Sensor for Liquid Steel Based on Blackbody Cavity

  14. 一种新颖的带测温传感器的微波辐射器

    A new type of microwave radiator with temperature sensor

  15. 浮漂式钢水连续测温传感器技术研究

    Study on the Sensor of Continuous Measurement Temperatures of Molten Steel by Float type

  16. 半铠装滑动测温传感器及其故障诊断的研究

    Study on Half Envelop Sensor of Glide Measure Temperature and It 's Fault Diagnosis

  17. 接触非接触复合测温传感器

    Contact and Non - contact Compound Thermometry Transducer

  18. 复合测温传感器的积分发射率研究

    Study on Integrated Emissivity of Compound Temperature Sensor

  19. 复合测温传感器线性化设计的研究

    Study on Linearization of the Compound Thermometric Sensor

  20. 半导体热敏电阻测温传感器分析

    Analysis on temperature measurement sensor of semi-conductor thermistor

  21. 保护套管中存在的裂纹缺陷严重影响着测温传感器的合格率。

    The cracks in the protection tubes seriously impact on the qualified rate of temperature sensors .

  22. 将有裂纹缺陷的保护套管剔除,不仅能够提高测温传感器的合格率,而且可以降低生产成本。

    Removing the protection tubes with cracks , could improve the qualified rate and reduce the production cost .

  23. 最后展望了光纤分布式测温传感器在油田测试中的应用前景。

    Finally the application prospect of distributed fiber optic temperature sensors in oil field measurement are looked forward .

  24. 用实验方法研究了掺稀土元素Tm/Ho光纤测温传感器的温度特性和应变效应。

    The temperature characteristics and strain effects in a Tm / Ho co doped optical fibre sensor are investigated .

  25. 发射端把测温传感器测得的温度量转化为红外信号并发射;接收端的红外监控摄像机对传感器扫描接收;

    The transmitter transforms the measurement of temperature sensor into infrared signals , which are scanned by the infrared camera of receiver .

  26. 结合大型旋转艇体温度测试的研究,提出了一种新型的半铠装滑动测温传感器结构。

    While studding on temperature measure of large rotating hull , a new structure of half enveloped sensor of glide measure temperature is put forward .

  27. 由于测温传感器种类众多,在不同的测温范围具有不同的测量精度,这样就需要合理的选择测温仪器。

    Because of the varied kinds of temperature sensors and the different measurement accuracy in different measurement range , it calls for reasonable selection of thermometers .

  28. 基于红外辐射原理,研制了用于高压电力设备的非接触数字式测温传感器。

    Based on the principle of infrared radiation , a non contacted digital sensor which can be used on temperature measurement of high voltage power equipment is designed .

  29. 光耦合非接触式测温传感器用热电阻直接测量温度,然后通过信号的转换,最后以光信号形式将温度信号非接触传送出去。

    A non-contact temperature transducer based on light coupling detects the temperature directly with resistance thermometer , and then transports the signal by a non-contact method in order to obtain high accuracy .

  30. 但是连续测温传感器的结构使其具有较长时间的热惯性,在测温过程中存在一定的滞后现象,引起不可靠测量。

    However , for its own structure , the temperature sensor has the long time thermal inertia , which causes the lag in the course of temperature measurement and then leads to fallibility measurement .