
  • 网络Surveying Sciences and Engineering;Surveying Engineering
  1. 田口式测量质量工程学与传统MSA的比较分析

    Comparatively Analysis of Taguchi Measurement Quality Engineering and Traditional MSA

  2. 在第四章,重点研究了测量质量工程学的基本理论,并将该理论与MSA理论进行了比较;

    Section 4 gives a research on measurement quality engineer , and compares this theory with MSA .

  3. 这主要建立在传统MSA与田口测量质量工程学优缺点比较研究的基础上,对两种方法进行取长补短,综合运用。另一个中心则是进行大量的应用研究。

    One is comparison between traditional MSA and Taguchi measurement quality engineering , trying to result in the two methods complementary to each other .

  4. 通过与传统MSA比较分析认为,推行田口式测量质量工程学可以改进测量系统分析的经济性,并提高测量精度。

    We come to the conclusion that the measurement system analysis economics and caliberation precision will be highly promoted by pushing Taguchi measurement quality engineering .

  5. 本文通过借鉴田口测量质量工程学的理论研究了非线性测量系统校准方法,包括周期校准方法和日常校准方法。

    This paper studies the non-linear calibration method of measurement system by referencing the theory in Taguchi measurement quality engineering .

  6. 从工程控制测量、大比例尺数字测图、施工放样、工业测量系统、变形监测和工程专题信息系统等6个方面,介绍了测量工程学的发展现状及取得的成就。

    In this paper the developing conditions of the engineering geodesy is present from six aspects , such as engineering control survey , large scale digital mapping , setting out , industrial measuring system , deformation monitoring and engineering GIS .