
  • 网络Broken needle
  1. 应该每天记录断针情况。

    Records of broken needles should be updated every day !

  2. 是否有断针管理规定?

    Is there a Broken Needle Policy ?

  3. 本文根据打印机位映象方式,采用C语言设计了LQ&1600打印机断针检测程序。

    A new testing program for the broken pins of LQ & 1600 printers is developed in C language using the bit image control method .

  4. 工厂是否有书面的断针控制程序?

    Does the factory maintain a written broken needle policy ?

  5. 断针率实验组为2.78%,对照组为0;

    The rate of instrument fracture in Ni Ti group was 2.78 % .

  6. 数字电位器调节灵敏度及断针位置显示。

    Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location .

  7. 拔下插口仔细检查,D型插口中是否有弯针或断针?

    Unplug the jack carefully examined , D-type socket pin bends whether or Broken Needle ?

  8. 根据文献报告记载,牙科麻醉针头断针的情形多发生于在施打下颚神经阻断麻醉时。

    According to available reports , breakage of dental anesthetic needles mostly occurs during mandibular block anesthesia .

  9. 车载打印机经常处于振动状态,采用针式打印机往往容易断针,因而考虑采用字模式打印机应用于运载车辆。

    Character-printers are proposed to apply in vehicles because the pins of pin-printers are easily broken due to vibration .

  10. 发生断针原因可能是使用较小的针头及不当弯曲针头所造成。

    The probable reasons for breakage in this case were usage of a small ( 30 - gauge ) needle and improper bending of the needle .

  11. 根管治疗断针取出失败的处理方法和药物选择及评价序贯法治疗一线二线根治失败的幽门螺杆菌感染的疗效观察

    Experimental management of methods and medicines in the failing extracted root canals with broken instruments The sequential therapy on a choice to treat helicobacter pylori eradication failure

  12. 可连续长期工作,不发热,不产生过载现象,适用于大型金属检测仪检查后小范围查找断针的确切位置。

    Continuous long-term work , fever , do not have been contained phenomenon , for large metal detector check after the small-scale Duanzhen find the exact location .

  13. 断钉及针道松动2例,伤口渗液1例。

    Break of screws occurred in 2 cases , and seepage occurred through incision in 1 case .

  14. 等等,别挂断电话!用针或别针等将某物固定在某处

    Wait ! Don 't hang up ! fasten sth with pins in the position specified

  15. 如残断与皮肤相平,可按压针孔两旁,使断针暴露于体外,用镊子取出;

    If the broken part is at the same level of the skin , press the tissue around the site until the broken end is exposed , then remove it with forceps .