
  • 网络Network disconnection;cutting electric wire net
  1. 阐述了一种用于监狱电网的触网和断网的监控系统的设计方法,介绍了系统的组成及其工作原理。

    The article discusses the new design method of inspection and control system used for prison on touching and cutting electric wire net of prison , and introduces the composition of system and work principle .

  2. 我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。

    My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet .

  3. Postmodemdepression(断网抑郁症)指无法连接到网络(也就是不能刷微博、微信和QQ)很“长”时间时的郁闷心情,这里所谓的很“长”时间,其实可能也就几分钟而已。

    Postmodem depression is the unpleasant feeling you get when you haven 't had access to the Internet ( i.e. QQ , Weibo and WeChat ) for a " long " time , like several minutes .

  4. 该无人机系统具有航程远、留空时间长、承载能力大、环境适应性强等特点,可在“断路、断电、断网”等极端灾害条件下,完成现场探查、公/专网应急组网通信、应急物资投送等任务。

    Featuring outstanding flight range , endurance , carrying capacity and environmental adaptability , the Wing Loong-2H UAV is able to conduct field surveys , support emergency communication and deliver emergency supplies in extreme conditions , such as power and network outages and circuit breaks .

  5. 该法创建了一个缩写为HADOPI机构,该机构将跟踪网络滥用者,并且可以对两次警告后仍然非法下载者进行自动断网。

    The law innovated by creating an agency , known by its initials HADOPI , which would track abusers and cut off net access automatically to those who continued to download illicitly after two warnings .

  6. 采用炉前加入1稀土硅铁合金、Ti-Fe、V-Fe、Nb-Fe对铸造多元高合金冷作模具钢进行变质处理,细化了晶粒,使连续网状碳化物断网。

    By adopting the 1 # RE-Si-Fe , Ti-Fe , V-Fe , Nb-Fe , the high carbon and high alloy cold - working mould steel is modified . The results show that the carbide of consecutive reticulation is cut and the crystal is diminished .

  7. 即便是订购了15Mbps到20Mbps的服务,服务商网速的不连贯以及家中其他设备对网络的使用都有可能导致每隔几分钟就断网一次,从而使你的4K观看体验沦为一连串的停顿。

    Even if you subscribe to a 15 to 20 Mbps service , inconsistencies in the Internet speed from your provider as well as use of the Internet by other devices in the home may reduce your 4K viewing to a long series of pauses as your connection coughs out a few minutes of video at a time .

  8. 突如其来的黑莓大断网,让我感觉自己就像那第二组小白鼠。

    The BlackBerry outages left me feeling like the second set of rats .

  9. 我休假期间完全断网,没有工作,也没有工作邮件。

    No work , no work email at all .

  10. 从明天开始断网一周。

    Off-line for a week from tomorrow .

  11. 而采集监控平台可以时刻检查采集机的网络连接情况,一旦发现采集机断网,就会在监控终端上发出报警提醒。

    Once the collecting machine is disconnected , alarm will appear on the monitoring platform .

  12. 一个人的“周边安全”,是另一种的“断网”。

    One person 's " security perimeter " is another 's " broken network " .

  13. 你赶紧去查看邻居们的情况,结果大家都断网了。

    You check with your neighbors and you find out the internet is down for everyone .

  14. 九月份,我的公寓断网十天。现在,我们可以用蓝牙适配器连网了。

    My flat did this for ten days in September and we can now use a dongle .

  15. 如果你不需要互联网链接,那就断网,这样可以把风险化到最小。

    If you don 't need an Internet connection , unplug it . That will minimize the risk .

  16. 去年,我在断网的春节里,看着无尽的美剧。

    Last year , with no access to the Internet , I watched American dramas the whole day .

  17. 如果连续断网好几天,经济也不会受到太过严重的影响。

    If the outage lasts for a few days , the economy may not even be too severely impacted .

  18. 就个人而言我每周周末要完全”断网“走出房间这样就不会想着要去检查邮件。

    I personally disconnect completely every weekend and get out of the house so I 'm not tempted to check email .

  19. 网络欺凌越来越猖狂,人们即使是断网了也比以前要粗鲁。

    With the rampant cyber bullying on the web , people are also becoming more rude off the web as well .

  20. 总之,世界断网就好像大雪天…虽然是个非常,非常无聊的大雪天。

    Overall , it would essentially be like one big snow day ... albeit a very , very boring snow day .

  21. 从这次黑莓大断网中,我得出了有关现代通讯的三个结论。第一个就是:控制意味着一切。

    This was the first of three lessons about modern communication that I learnt from the outages : control means everything .

  22. 被指控非法文件共享的欧洲因特网用户将要受到更多的保护,以免被从服务提供商处断网。

    Internet users throughout Europe accused of illegal file-sharing are to receive more protection from being cut off by their service provider .

  23. 钛能细化奥氏体枝晶,促进渗碳体断网,降低材料硬度,提高冲击韧性和抗磨性。

    Titanium can refine austenite dendrites , promote break off of cementite network , reduce hardness and improve impact toughness and abrasive resistance .

  24. 随着断网也能用的软件的发展,现在还有一类软件专门记录你所浪费的时间。

    Along with apps that cut off Internet access , there 's also a category that tallies up how much time you waste .

  25. 并且,这将违反了无罪推定的原则,因为被认定的盗版者将被自动断网而不能为自己辩护。

    And to boot , it violated the presumption of innocence because alleged pirates would be cut off without being able to defend themselves , the council said .

  26. 首先,让大家重新上线肯定是每个网络供应商的头等要事,所以,断网的时间应该不会太长。

    First off , getting everyone back online will be every internet service provider 's top priority , so the internet should not be down for very long .

  27. 该公司承认,必须要“有一个有装备的特殊之人”来测试一下这个断网帐篷,之后他们才可以声称该产品能“完全屏蔽信号”。

    The company acknowledges that " a special person with a gizmo " has to test the Internet-blocking cage before they can claim " total and utter signal impenetrability . "

  28. 三分之一(英国人中为四分之一)的乘客宁愿坐在嚎啕大哭的婴儿身边,也不愿经常断网。

    One in three ( one in four among Brits ) would rather sit next to a crying baby for the duration of a flight than repeatedly lose the Wi-Fi connection .

  29. 如果你知道你很有可能因智能手机而分心,那么当你工作时就把手机放到另外一个房间,或者干脆将手机断网。

    If you know that you will most likely get distracted by your smartphone , keep it in another room when you are working . Or disconnect it from the internet .

  30. 断网同步功能保证在网络中断的情况下不丢失重要视频数据,矩阵输出功能使用户更方便的观看监控录像。

    Net off synchronization to ensure interruption of the network is not the loss of essential video data , matrix output function allows users to more easily monitor the video viewing .