
xuán dù
  • curl;rotation;vorticity;rotor
旋度[xuán dù]
  1. 首先你需要计算F的旋度。

    You have first to compute the curl of F.

  2. 也就是对旋度的z分量做积分。

    That means I am integrating the z component of curl .

  3. 这是旋度F的z分量。

    That 's the z component of curl F.

  4. 那旋度的z分量是什么呢?

    And what 's the z component of curl ?

  5. 85°~105°E之间零风应力旋度线位置冬季比夏季偏北。

    The zero wind stress curl is more northward in winter than in summer between 85 ° E and 105 ° E.

  6. 回忆一下,我们知道,如果F是一个梯度场,那么它的旋度为零。

    So , recall we 've seen if F is a gradient field & then its curl is zero .

  7. 在这个新说法中,在那有个条件,条件表明F的旋度等于。

    In this new language , the conditions that we had over there , 0 this condition says curl F equals zero .

  8. 实际上,Maxwell方程组,描述了这两个场的旋度和散度。

    Maxwell 's equations actually tell you about div and curl of these fields .

  9. 这个方程说E的旋度不是,而是磁场对时间的导数。

    What this one says is the curl of E is not zero but rather it is the derivative of the magnetic field with respect to time .

  10. 我会计算,在这个区域内旋度FdA的二重积分。

    So , I will & compute the double integral over the region inside of curl F dA .

  11. 并通过Fluent软件的大量模拟仿真分析,得知圆弧板翼型叶片的导叶会使直流射流的气流产生强旋度的旋动射流。

    And through plenty of simulation result of Fluent , guide blade leaf with rounded airfoil can produce strong rotary stream jet .

  12. FDTD算法的基本点是将Maxwell方程组的时变的旋度方程用差分形式来表述。

    The FDTD algorithm is based on the finite difference expression of the set of Maxwell 's time-dependent curl equations .

  13. 如果F的旋度为零,抱歉,如果F被定义为不,这么说不合逻辑。

    It says if the curl of F equals zero in , sorry , and F is defined & No , is not the logical in which to say it .

  14. 当然在复杂的运动中,在一些点中旋转,可能比其他点多,这就是,为什么旋度依赖于x和y值。

    And , of course , in a complicated motion you might have more rotation at some point than at some others , which is why the curl will depend on x and y.

  15. 合成冰片的比旋度α30D为-17.3°~-2.3°。

    The specific rotation of synthetic borneol is - 17.3 °~ - 2.3 ° .

  16. 本文提出了一种基于精细积分技术求解Maxwell旋度方程的半解析时域方法。

    This paper presents a time domain semi-analysis method based on the precise integration ( PI ) technique for solving Maxwell 's curl equations .

  17. 格林公式内容是如果有一条封闭曲线,那么对F的线积分就等于,区域内F旋度的二重积分。

    So , Green 's theorem says that if I have a closed curve , then the line integral of F is equal to the double integral of curl on the region inside .

  18. 这就是F的旋度,在实际应用中,如果你必须计算一个向量场的旋度,不要尝试记忆这个公式。

    And that is indeed going to be the curl of F.In practice , if you have to compute the curl of a vector field , you know , don 't try to remember this formula .

  19. 用R2上连续向量场旋度理论来证明代数基本定理。

    The paper gives a proof for the fundamental theorem of algebra from the theorem of rotation of continuos field in R ~ 2 .

  20. 该文从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)两个旋度方程出发,分析了地质雷达二维TM高频电磁波的特性,运用K。

    In this paper , from the two vortices equation of Maxwell equation group , the authors analyze the characteristics of the ground penetrating radar two-dimensional TM electromagnetic wave , apply K.

  21. 海表风应力的旋度异常产生的Ekman抽吸是东支逆流形成的主要原因。

    The Ekman pumping deduced by the curl of wind stress accounts mainly for the formation of the east branch .

  22. 其中一种说明了,在向量场上,沿逆时针方向,向量做的功等于,平面区域上旋度F的二重积分。

    So , one of them says the line integral for the work done by a vector field along a closed curve counterclockwise is equal to the double integral of a curl of a field over the enclosed region .

  23. 实际上不需要,因为可以用圆盘来做,这就简单了,不过不那样做的话,就需要计算通过抛物面的旋度F的通量。

    We don 't really have to because we could have chosen the disk , it would be easier , but if we want to do it this way we will compute the flux of curl F through our paraboloid .

  24. 函数的微分、偏微分及梯度、散度、旋度在Mizar语言下的实现

    The Function Differential , Partial Differentiation , Grads , Divergence , and Curl in Mizar

  25. 现在,如果你去计算它的旋度的话,得到,也就是2k,k是旋转轴,2是角速度的两倍。

    Now , if you compute the curl of this guy , you will get zero , zero , two , two k.And so k is the axis of rotation , two is twice the angular velocity .

  26. 为了分析电磁波在分层各向异性介质中的传播特性,从无源区域的Maxwell旋度方程出发研究了非均匀各向异性介质中的特征波。

    In order to analyze the electromagnetic wave propagation properties in anisotropic layered media , the characteristic waves are studied in the heterogeneous anisotropic medium on the basis of the Maxwell curl equations in the source free region .

  27. 另一方面该风应力旋度变化也可增强副极地海洋涡旋,从而引起黑潮及其续流区(KOE)海温降低。

    On the other hand , the wind stress curl anomaly also strengthens the subpolar gyre so as to cool the Kuroshio / Oyashio Extension region ( KOE ) .

  28. 利用频域的旋度函数来指导汽车后视镜根部截面形状的低噪声优化改进,取得了降低脉动压力级近10dB左右的效果。

    The shape of an automobile side mirror for low aerodynamic noise using vorticity function in frequency domain is optimized . After the improvement of the shape , about 10 dB reduction in fluctuation pressure level is obtained .

  29. 利用向量场的旋度,我们可判定平面、空间微分系统闭轨的不存在性,得到类似Bendixson,Dulac判断法的一种新判定法。

    By making use of rotate degress of vector field to determine non-existence of closed orbit about plane , space differential system , we obtain a kind of new determinate method , It is similar to Bendixson , Dulac determinate method .

  30. 第一极锋(PF1)位置的经向季节变化幅度远小于气候月平均零旋度线的经向季节变化幅度,但位于零旋度线的平均位置附近。

    The magnitude of seasonally meridional migration in the location of the primary Polar Front ( PF1 ) is much less than that of the climatic monthly mean zero wind stress curl , but is near the mean position of zero wind stress curl .