
xuán bì
  • spiral arms;jib;radial arm
旋臂[xuán bì]
  1. 它们主要位于银河系(MilkyWay)等星系的旋臂和年轻星团中。

    They mostly inhabit the spiral arms and younger parts of galaxies like the Milky Way .

  2. 适当地调节参量ΩP和B(m,n),计算得到的理论曲线与实际观测到的旋臂符合较好。

    Adjusting the para - meters Ω _p and B ( m , n ) appropriately , the theoretical curves calculated coincide with the observational spiral arms , and the Larger differences between them appearing sometimes in C. C.

  3. 基于欧姆龙PLC的旋臂采样机自动控制系统设计

    Design of Swing Arm Sampler Automated Control System Based on Omron PLC

  4. 基于ANSYS的定柱式旋臂起重机的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis for slewing jib crane based on ANSYS

  5. 基于ANSYS的旋臂起重机金属结构的应力分析

    The stress analysis of metal structural of column jib crane basing on ANSYS

  6. 需要用一个旋臂吊机把收集器举到MC上,安装修好的收集器,放回到YC中。

    A slewing jib crane is required to lift the collectors onto the MC , and to install the repaired collectors , back into the YC .

  7. 根据定柱式旋臂起重机整体结构特点,建立了面向整机的有限元模型,基于ANSYS软件对该产品进行了静力分析和模态分析。

    In this paper , according to the characteristics of completed structure for slewing jib crane , finite element model of the structure is completed and its static and model based on ANSYS software is analyzed .

  8. 对银河系Sagittarius-Carina旋臂和晕质量的研究

    The Sagittarius-Carina Aam and Halo Mass of Our Galaxy with Different Rotation Curves

  9. 用自制的旋臂式磨蚀实验仪,研究了5种高密度聚乙烯和1种顺丁橡胶改性的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE/cis-BR),在铁尾矿和铁精矿浆体中的耐磨蚀性。

    The erosive rates to iron tailings slurry and to iron concentrate slurry of five different kinds of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) and a cis-1,4 polybutadiene modified HDPE ( HDPE / cis-BR ) were studied with a self-made erosive set-up equipped with six whirling arms .

  10. 有着与众不同的中心恒星环,旋臂上还点缀着大量炽热的年轻恒星组成的蓝巨星簇,NGC1097就成为绝佳的观测目标。

    With this distinctive central star-forming ring , and the addition of numerous bluish clusters of hot , young stars dotted through its spiral arms , NGC1097 makes a stunning visual object .

  11. 基于遗传算法的卷绕机旋臂四杆机构优化设计

    The Optimization of Take-up Machine Cantilever Mechanism Based on Genetic Algorithm

  12. 定柱式旋臂起重机结构整体优化研究

    Research on Completed Optimized Design of Structure for Slewing Jib Crane

  13. 旋臂为甚么仍能存在呢?

    Hence the arms will not be able to survive .

  14. 银河旋臂、地核环流与地球大冰期

    Galactic arms , circulation in core and great ice ages

  15. 该矩阵值随系统输入(旋臂和摆杆的角速度)的变化而变化。

    The matrix is changed along with the system inputs .

  16. 旋涡星系中旋臂的维持

    The Maintenance of the Spiral Arms in a Spiral Galaxy

  17. 传统设计的定柱式旋臂起重机,存在着结构笨重和刚度不足的双向缺陷。

    Optimal structural design of a portable column jib crane based on ANSYS ;

  18. 回转[旋臂]式起重机钢包回转台转臂结构力特征和计算方法研究

    On mechanical characteristics and calculation method of rotating arm structure of ladle turret

  19. 一种新的小型旋臂水池试验台

    A New Type of Small Rotating Arm Basin Tester

  20. 低风速分度与校正设备-旋臂机-的制造研究

    The improvement of low air velocity calibration apparatus & " whirling arm " unit

  21. 超新星遗迹与银河系旋臂结构

    Supernova remnants and spiral structure of the galaxy

  22. 旋臂式等离子切割装置数控系统的研究

    Numerical Control System for Swing Plasma Cutting Machine

  23. 先前的调查确认银河系具有一个较小的中央棒状结构及四条旋臂。

    Previous investigations have identified a smaller central barred structure and four spiral arms .

  24. 此解可用来更精确地研究盘星系的外围旋臂,把过去得到的星系旋臂图样的精确程度提高一步。

    This solution can more accurately investigate the outer spiral arm of dish-like galaxies .

  25. 三维旋涡星系的旋臂结构

    The spiral structure of galaxies is three-dimension

  26. 上层是个单独的白色立方体旋臂,左右跨幅大。

    The upper level is a separate white cube , cantilevering over a big span .

  27. 在旋臂式结构的机械加工装置中采用极坐标图形插补具有很多优点。

    There are many advantages to adopt polar coordinates system interpolation in swing structural machines .

  28. 旋涡星系旋臂的准确图样

    The accurate pattern of galactic spiral arms

  29. 系数η越小,则旋臂越紧卷。

    The less the ratio η is , the more tightly the spiral arm winds up .

  30. 两维银河系旋臂对比度

    Two-Dimensional Milky Way Spiral Arm Contrast