
xuán zhuǎn cān tīng
  • Revolving Restaurant;Westin Bonaventure
  1. 有旋转餐厅在二百六十七米(876英尺)的水平。

    There is a revolving restaurant at the267 m ( 876 ft ) level .

  2. 高层建筑塔楼旋转餐厅的结构设计

    Structural Design of Revolving Restaurant of Highrise Buildings

  3. 我在楼顶的旋转餐厅订了张桌子。

    I got us a table at the revolving rooftop restaurant .

  4. 高层旋转餐厅悬吊架设计施工

    Design and Construction of the Suspension Hanging Scaffolding for a High-rise Rotary Restaurant

  5. 其次,分析我国旋转餐厅所面临的内外部经营环境;

    Secondly , analyse rotating restaurant external operation environment and internal operation system .

  6. 旋转餐厅悬挑架施工技术

    Construction technology for cantilever frame of rotating restaurant

  7. 267米处是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。

    At267 meters high is a rotating restaurant , the highest one of its kind in Asia .

  8. 旋转餐厅,格调高雅,恭请光临。

    The revolving restaurant is in a noBle and elegant style , and we request the pleasure of your presence .

  9. 界定旋转餐厅的概念与内涵,总结旋转餐厅的特征与类型,并分析其在当地社会、经济生活中的效用。

    ; A summary of the types and characteristics of rotating restaurant ; Analysis of its effectiveness on economy and society .

  10. 小憩于舒适的18楼旋转餐厅,射阳河畔、美不胜收;全称美景,尽收眼底。

    Rest in the comfortable Revolving Restaurant on the18th floor , you can see a very beautiful scenery of the whole city .

  11. 不过,宾馆的位置还比较有利&站在顶楼旋转餐厅拍照,平壤的苍凉景象尽收眼底。

    But the hotel also provides a vantage-point : photos from the top-floor revolving restaurant give a good picture of the bleakness of Pyongyang .

  12. 每周日,来旋转餐厅品位国际风味自助美食,并可畅饮香槟及软饮料、咖啡、茶和果汁佐餐。

    Every Sunday , savor your meal with a complimentary glass of champagne or free flow of soft drinks , coffee , tea and juices .

  13. 然后,去国际大厦,在那里的旋转餐厅吃晚饭,让老两口看看城市的夜景。

    After that we go to Guoji Mansion having dinner in the revolving restaurant where your parents can enjoy the night piece of the city .

  14. 旋转餐厅一般布置在建筑物的顶部,多数突出于主体建筑的屋面之上,成为高级旅游宾馆的标志,它对建筑物的建筑体型和艺术风格有重要影响。

    Generally , the revolving restaurants are layout at the top of the building , most of which are high above the roof of the main building and become signs of the advanced junketing hotels .