
  • 网络Pollution-free food;Non-environmental pollution food;Safe Food;free-pollutant food
  1. 有机食品起步于国外,绿色食品和无公害食品起源于我国。

    It focuses on chapter ⅱ . Organic food begins in abroad . Green food and non-environmental pollution food come from our country .

  2. 环境对绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品具有影响,加入WTO后面临着发展机遇与挑战。

    This article expounds the influence of environment on green food , organic food and non-pollution food .

  3. 无公害食品中铅GFAAS仪器测定条件图谱扫描优化分析

    Optimum Analysis in GFAAS Map Scanning of Conditions for Determining Pb in Green Food

  4. 陕西苹果主产区苹果果实中Cu、Cr、Hg、Pb普遍存在,Cu、Cr、Hg检出率均为100%,Pb的检出率为94.6%,但含量水平未超过无公害食品苹果的卫生标准。

    The detection rates of Cr , Cu , Hg were 100 % , and the detection rate of Pb was 94.6 % . The contents of all harmful elements were below to the Standard for non-environmental pollution apple .

  5. 套袋果实的辛硫磷含量未检出,符合NY5011-2001国家农业行业标准无公害食品苹果的要求,而未套袋苹果的辛硫磷含量超出国家标准。

    Fruit phoxim in bags haven 't determined by instrument that meet the national agricultural standard of green apple fruit ( NY5011-2001 ), But phoxim content in control was slight higher than the national standard .

  6. 上海市居民无公害食品消费行为影响因素分析

    Influence Factors of Consumer Purchasing Decision about Pollution-free Produce in Shanghai

  7. 无公害食品、绿色食品和有机食品发展迅速。

    Production of pollution-free , green and organic food developed swiftly .

  8. 21世纪的主导食品是无公害食品。

    Non polluted food will occupy dominant position in21st century .

  9. 无公害食品、有机食品与绿色食品的异同

    Distinction Among Pollution-free Food , Organic Food and Green Food

  10. 推进无公害食品生产的若干思考

    Some Consideration on Pushing the Production of Non-polluted Food

  11. 关于进一步推进河北省无公害食品产业发展的对策思考

    Some Thoughts about Boosting Non-pollution foods Property in Hebei Province Production to That of Consumption

  12. 无公害食品行动计划与农药的发展方向

    Pollution-free Food Plan and Pesticides Development Direction

  13. 化肥与无公害食品

    Fertilizer and nuisanceless food

  14. 我国绿色食品和无公害食品的生产,虽然起步较晚,但发展速度较快。

    Although organic foods and non-environmental damage food production starts late in China , but they developed quickly .

  15. 以点带面,加强无公害食品、绿色食品和有机食品等生态农业基地建设;

    To improve the construction of ecological agriculture demonstration base of innoxious foods , green foods and organic foods ;

  16. 承检范围:无公害食品、绿色食品、有机食品、产地环境、饲料等5大类。

    Test field : involving pollution-free food , green food , organic food , producing area conditions and feedstuffs .

  17. 21世纪伊始,无公害食品、绿色食品、有机食品已开始主导世界食品的营养主流,人们对其认识更加清晰和深刻。

    Later 21 century , pure and organic foods become the mainstream of the openness market in the world .

  18. 枸杞产品已基本符合无公害食品的部颁标准。

    At present the products of lycium barbarum have initiatively reached the ministerial standards issued for non-polluted foods in China .

  19. 江西拥有发展多门类、多层次的农业经济的优越条件,特别是生产绿色、有机无公害食品。

    It has many favorable conditions to develop the multi-category and multi-level agricultural economy especially the production of green , organic and free food .

  20. 六种认证信号中,对绿色食品和无公害食品的认知和接受最好。

    Of the six quality certification signal , the " green food " and " pollution-free food " are cognized and accepted well by the citizens .

  21. 无公害食品行动计划和农产品质量安全保障体系构建是我国加强农产品质量安全管理、提高农产品品质的两项重要政策。

    The pollution-free food plan and the system of agro-products safety are two important policies , which are utilized to strenghten the quality and safety management of agro-products .

  22. 为使人们能够吃上健康的无公害食品,采用三因素五水平最优回归设计,探讨了氮钾硫配方施肥对黄泥土萝卜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响。

    An optimized regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to study the effects of N , K and S fertilizers on the yield and nitrate content of radish .

  23. 文章通过无公害食品行动和绿色农业计划的实施,对当前形势进行分析,明确了目标和任务,并提出了建议。

    This article has , from the implementation of " green food action " and green agriculture plan , analyzed the current situation , goal and task and put forward some suggestions .

  24. 依据NY5008-2008《无公害食品甘蓝类蔬菜》等3项标准,利用层次分析法对甘蓝类蔬菜质量安全风险评价指标体系研究。

    Based on NY 5008-2008 " pollution-free food : Brassica vegetables " and 2 other criterias , an index system of risk assessment for cabbage safety was provided using a layer statistical method .

  25. 发展和应用生物农药已逐渐成为一种趋势,而且随着公众对绿色食品和无公害食品的要求越来越高,生物农药的市场前景也越来越广阔。

    Study and application of biological pesticide have become the direction gradually , furthermore , with more and more attention public gives to green food and unpolluted food , the marketable foreground of biological pesticide is becoming better and better .

  26. 近年来,我国推行了食品市场准入制度,开展了强制性无公害食品认证,推出了食品放心工程,这一系列的措施表明了各级政府部门对食品安全管理体系的建设均给予了高度的重视。

    In the recent years , we carry out the food market access policy , develop the mandatory certification of pollution-free foods , adopt the Food safety project , which indicate that our government pay a lot attention to the build of food safety management system .

  27. 无公害养殖食品从饲料作起。

    Foodstuff of no environmental pollution can begin from feed .

  28. 本品系我公司最新研发的无公害绿色食品原材料,不含任何食品添加剂;

    The product which was newly made by our company is the raw materials of innocuous green food .

  29. 因此,发展高端产业化生态农业、开发无公害绿色食品便具有了较大市场空间和必要性。

    Therefore , the development of high-end industrialization ecological agriculture , developing pollution-free green food has great market space and necessity .

  30. “绿色食品”,是出自最佳生态环境,带来最强生命活力的无公害健康食品。

    " Green food " is a kind of non public harm and healthy food made from the best ecological environment with the strongest life activity .