
  • 网络radio silence;radio silent
  1. 现在请保持无线电静默。

    You will now maintain radio silence

  2. 由于方圆5公里内没有城镇,且25公里内只有一个县中心,这里的周边区域出现了“无线电静默”现象

    The surrounding area has " radio silence " as there are no towns and cities within a 5-kilometer radius and only one county center within 25 kilometers .

  3. 别唠叨,给我无线电静默,和图标!

    Stop chattering and give me radio silence and some map coordinates !

  4. 由于德国越来越多地实施无线电静默,密码分析几乎派不上用场了。

    But an increasing use of radio silence made cryptanalysis almost irrelevant at the end .

  5. 可以这么说,更多事故起因于,相关仪器的失灵而产生出导航错误和无线电静默,这些消失者只是坠入了大海。

    Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence , and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea .

  6. 1941年,二战期间:偷袭珍珠港&日本舰队副司令(海军中将)南云中一指挥一支由六条航空母舰为主力的舰队在保持彻底无线电静默的情况下,离开日本前往珍珠港。

    1941-World War II : Attack on Pearl Harbor-A fleet of six aircraft carriers commanded by Japanese Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo leaves Hitokapu Bay for Pearl Harbor under strict radio silence .

  7. 在那段漫长而可怖的无线电静默期间,赖恩听到一串带杂音的语音,讲着地球上一种不是其母语的语言,伴随着笑声和婴儿的哭声。

    In the midst of that long and frightening radio silence , Ryan hears a staticky voice in an Earth language not her own , accompanied by laughter and a baby 's cries .

  8. 因为过于相信电子技术的奇迹,盟军在1944年12月收到了一份大礼,前线险些变成比1917年更恐怖的局面。因为在这场战斗中,德国采取了全面的无线电静默。

    For all the wonders of the electronic revolution , the Allies had been taken completely by surprise in December 1944 when the front , already held far longer than anyone expected , threatened to settle into another and more gruesome 1917 . There had been a radio silence .