
  • 网络TVB;DVB-T;wireless tv;wireless television
  1. 两个,无线电视和亚洲电视。

    Two , TVB and aTV .

  2. 无线电视每年均有全权选择在转播时剪掉任何内容。

    TVB had full discretion every year to cut out any parts of the show from its broadcast .

  3. 维多利亚,这位四个孩子的母亲在ITV(IndependentTelevision独立电视台,简称ITV,是英国第二大无线电视经营商)的ThisMorning节目中分享了她的美丽秘密。

    Victoria , the mother-of-four shared her beauty secrets as part of a segment on ITV 's This Morning .

  4. 包括20世纪福克斯(TwentiethCenturyFox)、福克斯新闻台(FOXNEWS)和福克斯无线电视台在内的电影电视资产,仍将属于同一集团。

    Movie and TV assets , including Twentieth Century Fox , the Fox News cable channel and Fox broadcasting will remain grouped together .

  5. TVB作为全球最有影响力之一的电视媒体,是全港首家商营无线电视台,其制作的节目在整个东南亚地区都有着深远的影响。

    As one of the most influential television media , TVB is the first commercial wireless television station in Hong Kong , and its program has made profound influence in the entire Southeast Asia .

  6. 有线电视和无线电视的发展趋势及走向

    The Development and Current of Community Antenna Television and Radiovision

  7. 无线电视信号监测仪设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Wireless TV Signal Monitor Instrument

  8. 有家无线电视台对我有兴趣。

    There is a major network interested in me .

  9. 免费无线电视行业同样面临挑战。

    Free to air television also faces challenges .

  10. 她在一家地方电视台当新闻广播员。地面的无线电视广播机构

    She works as a news reader in a local TV station . terrestrial wireless broadcaster

  11. 1986年,他创办福克斯电视,打破了3大无线电视台对市场的把持。

    He broke the grip of the big three broadcast networks by launching the Fox network in 1986 .

  12. 橄榄球界对于地面无线电视对他们运动的报道只有批评意见。

    In rugby circles , there is nothing but criticism for the coverage of sport on terrestrial TV .

  13. 新闻部无线电视觉司新闻热线在新闻媒体由高高在上向贴近老百姓的转变过程中发挥了重要作用。

    News hotline plays an important part in the turning of news media from the above to grass-root common people .

  14. 在工业经济时代,人们主要通过报纸、杂志、无线电视获取知识信息;

    In the age of industrial economy , they acquire knowledge and information by newspapers , magazines , TV and so on .

  15. 这次计划的成功也提供给我在摩洛哥无线电视教育协会工作的机会。

    My success in this project led to another work opportunity , this time with the Moroccan Educational Institute for Radio and Television .

  16. 卢浮宫博物馆首度允许无线电视台在其有大量收藏品的中心进行实况转播。

    For the first time ever , the Louvre museum allowed a live wireless television broadcast from the heart of its vast collection .

  17. 目前,在俄罗斯的电视结构中,无线电视占据主导地位,有线电视与卫星电视发展缓慢;

    Currently , in the Russian television structure , wireless television occupies the dominant position , while cable and satellite television develop rather slowly .

  18. 消息人士透露,被捕的环球唱片公司和英皇娱乐集团人员,涉嫌向无线电视的高层人员提供利益,包括金钱利益。

    Sources said that those arrested from Universal Music HK and the Emperor Group were alleged to have offered advantages , including money , to TVB senior executives .

  19. 无线电视、有线电视和卫星电视将继续在广告收入方面占据最大的份额,预计2011年将达到860亿美元。

    Broadcast television and cable and satellite television combined will continue to take the biggest share of advertising dollars , and are forecast to reach $ 86bn in 2011 .

  20. 基于此分析,本文建议,在无线电视产权转型之际,电视的股份宜回归公共。

    Based on the analysis , this paper suggests that as the private shareholders have long garnered interests , their shares be returned to the public at low cost .

  21. 据预测,电子商务发展的第三次浪潮将会出现在不用电脑就能上网的技术发展方面:比如通过无线电视、有线电视、电话网络及新型的设备上网。

    The third expansion is predicted to be from those with non-computer access to the global network : through broadcast TVs , cable TVs , telephone networks and new appliances .

  22. 本文设计实现了一个便携式无线电视发射机的射频前端,将调制信号混至738~778MHz的六个频点上,并将混频后的信号功率放大至20dBm输出。

    The paper design to achieve a television transmitter RF front-end , the base signal will be mix to RF signal , the RF signal will be enlarge before export .

  23. 在无线电视传输信道特性的基础上,解析了分集天线的原理,系统分析了空间分集的方法和性能,即多天线接收信号的合并准则、影响分集增益的因素。

    A systematic analysis is made of the method for and property of space diversity , or the merger guidelines of the multiaerial receiving signal and factors influencing the diversity gain .

  24. 已届101岁高龄的媒体大亨邵逸夫爵士,夏天的时候准备把他旗下的香港无线电视公司出售给一个富有的中国地产开发商。

    Sir Run Run Shaw , a101-year-old media mogul , had hoped to sell his Hong Kong broadcasting company in the summer to a ( briefly ) rich Chinese property developer .

  25. 这一切发生在一个竞争极度激烈的市场上,这个市场由四大无线电视台、6大好莱坞制片公司、以及不断带来新型服务的互联网的颠覆力量驱动。

    This happened in an extremely competitive market , driven by four big broadcast networks , six major Hollywood studios and the disruptive force of the internet , which enabled new services to be created .

  26. 无线电视昨日拍制首集《一笔out消》,揭开电视问答游戏节目收视战战幔。《一笔out消》是电视史上奖品最丰富的问答游戏节目。

    The first shot were fired in the TV quiz show ratings war last night as TVB filmed the first episode of The Weakest Link , offering the biggest prize in Hong Kong television history .

  27. 捕获无线电视信号,然后通过因特网传送给用户&这种看起来异想天开的商业模式,会不会成为最终颠覆美国电视业的罪魁祸首?

    Could it really turn out that a company with a seemingly loopy business model capturing over-the-air TV signals and streaming them to subscribers over the Internet will be the thing that finally brings down the American broadcasting industry ?

  28. 捕获无线电视信号,然后通过因特网传送给用户——这种看起来异想天开的商业模式,会不会成为最终颠覆美国电视业的罪魁祸首?

    Could it really turn out that a company with a seemingly loopy business model -- capturing over-the-air TV signals and streaming them to subscribers over the Internet -- will be the thing that finally brings down the American broadcasting industry ?

  29. 介绍了包头市无线数字电视网络实施原则、系统架构和应用状况,详细阐述了SDH数字微波传输、数字电视平台、数字MMDS的建设方式,以及各部分的具体组成。

    And it studies in detail the construction of SDH digital microwave transmission , digital television platform and the digital MMDS as well as the concrete configuration of each part .

  30. 无线广播电视覆盖网发展的思考

    Consideration for Development of Wireless Radio and TV Coverage Network