
wú sè
  • colourless;achromatic colour;be cast into the shade;be overshadowed
无色 [wú sè]
  • [be cast into the shade;be overshadowed] 即黯然失色

  • 檀板之声无色。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

无色[wú sè]
  1. 纯空气是无色无臭的。

    Pure air is colourless and odourless .

  2. CO2激光裂解气相色谱仪可以直接用于浅色或无色透明样品的分析。

    CO2 laser pyrolysis gas chromatography can be directly applied in analysis of light-coloured or colourless transparent specimens .

  3. 室内污染分为两种:一种是我们能看得见或闻得着的,另一种是无色无味的。

    Indoor pollution falls into two categories , that which we can see or smell , and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour .

  4. 本标准适用于无色光学玻璃相对研磨硬度的测试。

    This standard applies to the test of colorless and optical glass relative to abrade hardness .

  5. 无色杆菌蛋白酶Ⅰ肽链N端作用的突变研究

    The Mutation Studies on the N-Terminal Action of Achromobacter Protease ⅰ Peptide Chain

  6. (HI)一种无色或黄色的碘化氢水溶液。

    ( HI ) a colorless or yellow aqueous solution of hydrogen iodide .

  7. 一种无色的腐蚀性气体:HCl。

    A colorless corrosive gas : HCl .

  8. 在生物体系内,MB易被还原成无光动力活性的无色亚甲基蓝。

    In biological systems , MB is easily reduced to the colorless methylene blue without photodynamic activity .

  9. PTT环状低聚物的熔程为92.3~222.6℃,熔融后是无色、透明的低粘度液体。

    The cyclic oligomers melt at 92.3 ~ 222.6 ℃, providing liquids of low viscosity .

  10. 由甲烷CNG大多,比空气轻,无嗅、无色。

    CNG made up mostly of Methane , is lighter than air , odorless and colourless .

  11. 实验表明合成无色Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石合适的Ti(Cu)掺入量为1.8wt%。

    Experiments show that the appropriate amount of Ti ( Cu ) is 1.8 wt % in the synthesis of the colorless type ⅱ a gem diamonds .

  12. 一种无色气体,在水溶液中形成氢碘酸。(HI)一种无色或黄色的碘化氢水溶液。

    A colorless gas that yields hydroiodic acid in aqueous solution . ( HI ) a colorless or yellow aqueous solution of hydrogen iodide .

  13. 这所大学指出:借助传统的X射线技术只能显示无色的部分隐藏画的影像,并且只能显出“一块绿草地”后的模糊的人像。

    Conventional X-ray techniques give a colorless , partial view of the hidden painting and only show vague contours of a person behind'Patch of Grass ' , the university said .

  14. 用孚尔根核染色反应处理DNA的变化:小孢子母细胞的核是鲜紫红色,细胞质无色;

    The treatment with Feulgen reaction shows that the DNA of undergo the following change : The nuclei of microspore mother cells are of fresh purply red color and the protoplasms are colorless ;

  15. 因此,颗粒活性炭、超临界CO2流体萃取脱色工艺适合于不同层次的无色黄米蛋白的工业化生产。

    In conclusion , activated carbon and supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction are suitable for producing different grades of color-free proteins from proso millet prolamin industrially .

  16. “环丙烷:一种极易燃易爆的无色气体,CH,有时用作一种麻醉剂.”

    " cyclopropane : a highly flammable , explosive , colorless gas , CH , sometimes used as an anesthetic . "

  17. 一种无色的、有甜味的气体,N2O,在牙病治疗和手术中用作一种柔和的麻醉剂。

    A colorless , sweet-tasting gas , N2O , used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery .

  18. 一种新型无色DAR成色剂的合成与应用

    Synthesis and Application of a Novel Colorless DAR Coupler

  19. 二甲醚(DME)在常温常压下是一种无色、无毒、对环境友好的化合物。

    Dimethyl ether ( DME ) is a colorless , non-toxic and environment-friendly compound at normal temperature and pressure .

  20. 一种有毒无色易燃的液体(CS),用于制造人造丝、玻璃纸、四氯化碳及作为橡胶溶剂。

    A toxic colorless flammable liquid ( CS2 ); used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane and carbon tetrachloride and as a solvent for rubber .

  21. 由对N,N-二甲氨基苯甲醛、N,N-二甲基苯胺和间N,N-二甲氨基苯甲酸与尿素在酸催化下反应制得无色结晶紫内酯(LCVL)。

    Leuco crystal violet lactone ( LCVL ) was prepared by the reaction of p-dimethyl-aminobenzaldehyde ? N , N-dimethylaniline and m-dimethylamino-benzoic acid with urea catalyzed by acid .

  22. 它的粗提液经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及NBT的酶活性染色,在蓝色背景上有两条无色透明的同工酶谱带。

    The crude extract presents two bands using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and NBT enzymatic activity stain .

  23. 这种辐射变色膜为无色透明固体薄膜,经60Coγ射线辐照后,其颜色变为蓝色。

    It is a clear transparent solid film , but it becomes blue after irradiated by γ - ray .

  24. SF6是一种无色、无嗅、无毒、不易燃的惰性气体,具有良好的绝缘性、灭弧性和散热性。

    SF6 is a colorless , odorless , nontoxic , and nonflammable inert gas with excellent electric insulating and arc-quenching properties .

  25. 从临床初诊为仔猪副伤寒的病猪采集粪便,接种亚硒酸盐亮绿增菌液增菌后,划线于SS琼脂培养基,挑无色透明菌落纯化。

    The feces was collected from diseased piglets clinically diagnosed as paratyphoid , inoculated on Sodium Selenite brilliant green SS medium , then streaked on SS medium .

  26. 一种无色晶状钠盐(NaF),用于氟化水和防止牙齿腐烂。

    A colorless crystalline salt of sodium ( NaF ) used in fluoridation of water and to prevent tooth decay .

  27. 本文报道了氢化物无色散原子荧光法测定水中痕量Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ),方法简便、快速、灵敏。

    A simple , rapid and sensitive hydride generation nondispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometry method has been developed for the determination of trace Sb (ⅲ) and Sb (ⅴ) in water .

  28. 在一个RGB值中,任何给定的通道都可以包含一个从0(无色)到255(完整颜色)的值。

    In an RGB value , any given channel can contain a value anywhere from 0 ( no color ) to 255 ( full color ) .

  29. 特性:具有最好的耐热性,耐气候性PMMA是无色透明,透光率是塑料中最好的,比玻璃高,光的透过范围大;

    Characteristics : the best heat resistance , weather resistance PMMA is colorless and transparent , the transmittance is the best plastic than glass high , the light through the range ;

  30. 离子通量的变化大体上是无色散的。离子主要受南向行星际磁场(IMF)所引起的对流电场的驱动注入到环电流区域。

    Ions are injected from the magnetotail to the ring current region in a dispersionless mode most probably by enhanced convective electric field that driven by steady southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .