
wú zhī
  • ignorant;unacquaintance
无知 [wú zhī]
  • [unacquaintance;ignorant] 不懂情理;缺乏知识

  • 年幼无知

无知[wú zhī]
  1. 人们不喜欢问问题,害怕自己会显得很无知。

    People don 't like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant

  2. 他傲慢自负,虚荣无知。

    He was self-important , vain and ignorant .

  3. 儿童往往出于无知而不守规矩。

    Children often behave badly out of / through ignorance .

  4. 他们同偏见与无知进行了长期的斗争。

    They fought a long battle against prejudice and ignorance .

  5. 请原谅我的无知,这家公司到底是干什么的?

    Forgive my ignorance , but what exactly does the company do ?

  6. 他们的决定是由于无知和偏见。

    Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice .

  7. 她对这些条例表现出可悲的无知。

    She displayed a woeful ignorance of the rules .

  8. 她不愿意承认自己无知。

    She was reluctant to confess her ignorance .

  9. 她不愿承认她的无知。

    She was reluctant to confess her ignorance .

  10. 有些医生认为无知是福,因此不向病人透露全部病情。

    Some doctors believe ignorance is bliss and don 't give their patients all the facts .

  11. 人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。

    Ignorance of people brings fear , fear of the unknown .

  12. 他认为他是一个软弱无知的人。

    He believes him to be a weak and unintelligent man

  13. 我很无知,从来没听过乡村与西部音乐。

    In my ignorance I had never heard country & western music .

  14. 这样的态度是极度无知造成的。

    Such attitudes are the product of woeful ignorance .

  15. 这是我们难以承受的无知。

    It 's an ignorance we can ill afford .

  16. 这些人在压力下会显得浅薄无知、操之过急,而且爱摆布人。

    Under stress these people will appear to be superficial , over-eager and manipulative .

  17. 令人气愤的是,警察不得不忍受这些无知的批评。

    It 's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks .

  18. 他的无知让我震惊。

    His ignorance appals me

  19. 我独身时从不为钱操心——这算是一种无知的表现。

    When I was single I never worried about money — it was a bit of a blind spot .

  20. 我知道我当初幼稚无知,竟然信任他,可是他真是迷人,把我完全给骗了。

    I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in .

  21. 他的无知使他处于不利地位。

    His ignorance placed him at a disadvantage .

  22. 谣言容易在无知的人中间传播。

    Rumours are easily spread among uneducated people .

  23. 极爱吹毛求疵的人往往是心胸狭窄和无知的人。

    The intensely critical spirit is often the narrow-minded and ignorant one .

  24. 以无知为理由而提出的抗辩是不能成立的。

    No plea can be set up on the ground of ignorance .

  25. 我对此事全然无知。

    I am in sheer ignorance of the matter .

  26. 我们对他的无知必须谅解。

    We must make allowances for his ignorance .

  27. 贫困、疾病和无知仍是世界主要问题。

    Poverty , disease and ignorance remain major world problems .

  28. 有的时候无知真是福气啊。

    There are times when ignorance is bliss indeed .

  29. 他竟然无知到这样可怜的程度!

    I never realized that he was so pitifully ( or pathetically ) ignorant .

  30. 他在艺术方面表现出惊人的无知。

    He displayed an amazing ignorance in art .