
tuán tǐ cāo
  • group callisthenics
团体操 [tuán tǐ cāo]
  • [group callisthenics] 集体表演的体操,有一定主题。表演者完成一定动作,并组合成各种队形图案

团体操[tuán tǐ cāo]
  1. 我国团体操理论研究现状

    The Present Theoretical Study of Group Callisthenics in China

  2. 论现代大型团体操的概念

    On the Concept of Modern Large-scale Group Callisthenics

  3. 团体操训练与当代大学生综合素质发展

    Group Calisthenics Training and Contemporary University Students ' Comprehensive Qualities Development

  4. 普及高校团体操促进阳光体育运动的开展

    Popularizing College Group Calisthenics and Promoting the Development of Sunlight Sports

  5. 我国团体操创编设计的研究现状

    Studying of the group callisthenic creation and designing in China

  6. 对团体操场地坐标标示方法的研究

    The Research on the Method of Coordinate Indication in Team Performance Court

  7. 试论中国团体操的民族特色

    A tentative comment on the national characteristic of group calisthenics of China

  8. 大型团体操背景画面放样软件的设计及其应用

    Design of Lofting Software of Background Picture of Group Callisthenics

  9. 这是团体操表演具有的宣传功能所决定的。

    This is with group calisthenics publicity functions performed by the decision .

  10. 对团体操审美价值的探讨

    Discussion on the esthetics value of the team gymnastics

  11. 以上结论希望为更好地开展校园团体操活动提供参考。

    Above conclusions hope for better in campus mass activities to provide the reference .

  12. 请于本室室外参观团体操课程或接听手提电话。

    Sightseeing and receiving of telephone call will be allowed outside the gymnastic room .

  13. 科技发展水平的高低成为团体操创编是否精彩的影响因素。

    The level of technological development as a wonderful group calisthenics whether creation factor .

  14. 我国大型团体操表演服装的演变及发展趋势欧洲大陆的形势继续演变着。

    Evolution and Developing Tendency of Performance Costumes for Grand Group Calisthenics of Our Country ;

  15. 大型团体操《阿里郎》每年都会在朝鲜首都平壤进行演出。

    The Arirang Games take place each year in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang .

  16. 论团体操对学校体育的作用

    Influences of group calisthenics on school sports

  17. 波普艺术与团体操的设计

    Pop Art and Design of Group Play

  18. 大型团体操排练技巧

    The rehearsal skills on large team gymnastics

  19. 我刚看了一段中学生团体操的表演。

    I watched a group calisthenics performance put on by middle school students just now .

  20. 团体操表演在大型庆典活动和运动会开幕式上占有举足轻重的地位。

    The group calisthenics performances play a pivotal role in large-scale celebrations and Games opening ceremony .

  21. 现代大型运动会开幕式团体操创编与发展趋势研究

    The Creation and Development Trends Research in Group Calisthenics of the Modern Games ' Opening Ceremony

  22. 主题与题材是构成团体操创编艺术性的两个基本理论问题。

    Subject group calisthenics and the subject matter is an artistic creation of both the basic theoretical issues .

  23. 本人选取了我国建国后十个具有代表性的运动会开幕式大型团体操,对其表演服装进行初步研究,归纳总结出我国现代运动会开幕式大型团体操表演服装的演变及发展趋势。

    This paper mainly studied the development and tendency of modern performance costume in great group calisthenics games .

  24. 图为4月2日下午,校医院工作人员正在进行运动会团体操表演的排练。

    On the afternoon of Apr.2 nd , the personnel of campus hospital are rehearsing the team gymnastics .

  25. 团体操的队形是表达主题思想的基本手段,是团体操创编工作的关键。

    As a basic means of thematic expression , formation is a key factor in designing group calisthenics .

  26. 本文旨在进一步丰富和提高团体操创编设计手段,为今后在团体操创编过程中大规模应用计算机辅助设计技术及开发出专门的团体操设计软件提供一定的经验。

    The conclusion can provide experience on group calisthenics designing and its specialized software development in the future .

  27. 但当控制了政府内部部门以及政府人员后,寡头团体操控了经济。

    But while Mr Mehdiev controls the interior ministry and civil servants , the oligarchs run the economy .

  28. 大型团体操队形座标点排列规律研究

    Tentative Analysis on the Basics and Generals Laws of Arraying The Coordinate Points in the Large-sized Group Gymnastics Formation

  29. 提升团体操创编的艺术水准靠科技发展水平的支持。

    To enhance the art of group calisthenics creation depends on scientific and technological development level of standards support .

  30. 高校体育教育专业开设团体操普修课的可行性研究

    Research on the Possibility of Offering the Regiment Gymnastics as a Common Course of the Professional Physical Education at College