
tuán jù
  • reunite;unite;gather;rally;birdnesting
团聚 [tuán jù]
  • (1) [gather]∶团结聚集,聚会

  • 团聚数千弟兄到金田村

  • (2) [reunite]∶人或物在分离后重聚

  • 夫妻团聚

团聚[tuán jù]
  1. 采用固相团聚法进行Ni-WC-RE组合粉的研制,并探讨添加微量稀土(RE)及WC对组合粉工艺性、耐磨性、耐蚀性的影响。

    The Ni-WC-RE combination powder was triturated by solid-phase birdnesting method . The influence of the appropriate adding of RE and WC into combination powder on processing property , wearability and corrosion resistant property has been investigated .

  2. 在战后几年的婚姻生活中,她千方百计想让父子团聚。

    She spent the post-war years of her marriage trying to reunite father and son

  3. 昨天晚上,她和她的子女团聚。

    Last night she was reunited with her children .

  4. 你要是不来参加团聚,大家会非常想念你的。

    If you don 't come to the reunion you 'll be sorely missed .

  5. 圣诞节是团聚的日子。

    Christmas is a time of reunion .

  6. 米米和她的家人前往突尼斯与父亲团聚。

    Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father .

  7. 她和小儿子终于得到允许和家人团聚。

    She and her youngest son were finally allowed to be reunited with their family

  8. 她和亲生母亲团聚了。

    She has been reunited with her natural mother

  9. 孩子们将近一周都没能见到她。这是一次令人激动的团聚。

    The children weren 't allowed to see her for nearly a week . It was a very emotional reunion .

  10. 如今,满月只是代表朋友或家人的团聚而已。

    Nowadays the full moon just represents the gathering of friends and family .

  11. 她期望着和家人团聚。

    She was looking forward to joining her family .

  12. 经过民政人员到处查访,他终于和失散多年的亲人团聚了。

    Thanks to lengthy searching by civil affairs personnel , he was finally reunited with his long-lost family .

  13. 他母亲曾送给他一枚上面刻着科拉多·A·G·皮科里的紫心徽章作为圣诞礼物,它来自一家古董商店,他开始努力让失去勋章的家庭团聚。

    His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother , a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A . G . Piccoli , found in an antique shop .

  14. 无论是在特殊场合还是在家庭餐桌上,分享面包常常象征着团聚。

    Sharing bread , whether during a special occasionor at the family dinner table , is a common symbol of togetherness .

  15. 回到她在市中心的酒店,那些大城市的朋友惊讶地发现这些事件将纽约餐会变成了密西西比州团聚。

    Heading back downtown toward her hotel , her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi state reunion .

  16. 她昨天死了,到了天堂和你团聚。

    She died yesterday and is with you in heaven .

  17. 这项发表在《当代生物学》上的研究测试了小猫在与看护人呆上两分钟后被单独留下,然后和看护人重新团聚两分钟之后的反应。

    The study , published in Current Biology , examined how kitten subjects reacted after spending two minutes with their caretaker , being left alone , then reuniting for another two minutes .

  18. 当时复仇者们已经分道扬镳,罗曼诺夫也回俄罗斯去和自己仅有的“家人”团聚,也就是她的三个特工同事(分别由蕾切尔·薇姿、大卫·哈伯和弗洛伦丝·皮尤饰演)。

    The Avengers have gone their separate ways , so Romanoff heads to Russia to reunite with the only family she has , three fellow secret agents played by Rachel Weisz , David Harbour and Florence Pugh .

  19. 用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了NdFeB磁粉颗粒之间的磁团聚现象。

    Strong agglomeration interaction between Nd Fe B powders was observed by SEM .

  20. SEM照片显示,改性后硬石膏团聚减少;

    The SEM photographs showed that the reunite of the anhydrite decreased .

  21. Ni/YSZ阳极材料主要的微观结构的变化是金属Ni的团聚和粗化。

    The main microstructure change is the agglomeration and coarsening of metallic Ni .

  22. 结果表明,在PET/ZnO纳米复合材料中,ZnO仍有明显团聚。

    The results showed that ZnO aggregated in PET composites .

  23. Pt/C催化剂中纳米Pt颗粒团聚效应的小角X射线散射

    Small angle X-ray scattering of Pt particle aggregation in Pt / C catalyst

  24. 无团聚Al2O3-ZrO2复合纳米粉末的制备及机理

    Preparation and Mechanism of Nanometer Sized Agglomeration-free Al_2O_3-ZrO_2 Powders

  25. 液相共沉淀法制Al2O3超细粉过程及防团聚措施

    Preparation of Al 2O 3 Ultrafine Powder by liquid phase precipitation and anti agglomeration

  26. 干燥制度对ZnO压敏电阻片复合添加剂颗粒团聚的影响

    Effect of Dewatering Regime on Particle Aggregation of Synthetic Additive for ZnO Varistor

  27. 分析了超细Al(OH)3粒子团聚机理及其防团聚手段。

    Mechanism on agglomeration of Al ( OH ) 3 particles and method of controlling agglomeration were studied .

  28. 不同化学制备工艺对α-Al2O3粉体形貌和团聚状态的影响

    Effects of Preparation Processes on Morphology of Al_2O_3 Powders

  29. 质量分数继续增加会使纳米Al2O3颗粒发生局部团聚;

    The nanometer alumina particle has the trend of local agglomeration .

  30. 应用模拟退火原理寻找无团聚纳米粒子Zr(OH)4制备的最佳工艺条件

    Finding Optimal Approach Condition in Preparation of Monodisperse Zr ( OH ) _4 by Using Simulated Annealing