
wú lì chánɡ zhài
  • insolvency;suspend payment;suspension
  1. 该公司因无力偿债而被退市。

    The company was delisted for insolvency .

  2. 圣玛丽中学校长菲利普斯(FrankPhillips)说,对该校来说,常舒代表着一种重要的收入来源。该校曾数次面临无力偿债的窘境。

    For St. Mary 's , Mr. Chang represents crucial revenue for an institution that had faced insolvency several times , said Frank Phillips , the headmaster .

  3. 尽管欧洲央行被禁止继续向无力偿债的银行提供ELA融资,但希腊银行到底在什么情况下会被视为无力偿债,这一点尚不明确。

    Although the ECB is prohibited from continuing ELA funding to insolvent banks , it is not clear at what point Greek banks would be deemed insolvent .

  4. 欧元区的债务削减或“重新安排”(reprofiling),将有助于解决某些无力偿债国家的过度负债问题。

    Eurozone debt reduction or " reprofiling " will help to resolve the issue of excessive debt in some insolvent economies .

  5. 欧元区政策制定者似乎已接受希腊无力偿债的事实。

    Eurozone policymakers appear to accept that the country is insolvent .

  6. 欧洲领导人错把无力偿债问题当成了流动性不足问题。

    Leaders have mistaken a problem of insolvency for one of illiquidity .

  7. 德国政府不存在无力偿债的危险。

    The German state is in no danger in terms of solvency .

  8. 我们讨论了底特律的贫穷、犯罪、人口减少和无力偿债等情况。

    We discussed Detroit 's poverty , crime , depopulation and insolvency .

  9. 一切都取决于意大利,因为金融市场目前担心该国可能无力偿债。

    Everything depends on Italy , because financial markets now fear it may be insolvent .

  10. 但我们真正应该问的是,为什么要保住这些无力偿债的银行?

    But the question we really should be asking is : why keep insolvent banks afloat ?

  11. 一旦无力偿债银行的无担保债权人真的遭受损失,市场纪律就将重返整个行业。

    Once unsecured debtholders of insolvent banks lose , market discipline would return to the whole sector .

  12. 2月11日,欧洲领导人还在商讨某个欧元区国家无力偿债的威胁。

    On February 11 , European leaders were discussing the threat of a State Insolvency in the eurozone .

  13. 可以想象,在全球许多国家中,拥有当前杠杆水平的机构将无力偿债。

    There are many imaginable states of the world in which institutions with current levels of leverage would be insolvent .

  14. 如何才能保住这些几近无力偿债的银行以避免系统性风险?这一问题再次出现在人们面前。

    Once again , the question will be how the near-insolvent banks can be kept afloat , to avoid systemic risk .

  15. 如果你做出这样的假定,你就会意识到,希腊无力偿债几乎是板上钉钉的事情。

    If you make that assumption , you realise Greece will almost certainly not be in a position to repay its debts .

  16. 其次是一个政治问题:德国联邦议院可能会拒绝向无力偿债的国家拨款,除非私营部门的债权人能分担痛苦。

    She also has a political problem : the Bundestag could refuse to provide for insolvent countries unless private-sector creditors share the pain .

  17. 这样,无力偿债机构的风险就从公共部门转回至私营部门,从纳税人转回至债权人。

    That way , the risk of the insolvent institutions would be transferred back from the public to the private sector , from the taxpayer to the creditors .

  18. 分析师表示,如果该基金能从无力偿债的地方政府手中低价购得有问题的基础设施项目资产,可能会取得不俗的回报。

    Analysts said the fund might make decent returns if it could buy distressed infrastructure projects cheaply from local governments that are no longer able to service their debt .

  19. 如果这些国家的政府无力偿债,或者经济持续几十年萎靡不振,选民们是不会冷眼旁观的。而无论加州遇上什么问题,美国联邦政府都会出面处理。

    Their electorates will care if their government is insolvent or their countries suffer decades of slump . Moreover , the US federal government will function whatever happens to California .

  20. 即使系统性风险仍然存在,政府也只应为那些具有偿债能力而非无力偿债的银行的债务提供(有上限)的担保。

    Even if systemic risk were still present , the government should protect the debt ( up to some level ) only of the solvent banks , not the insolvent ones .

  21. 监管者们能够监测资本交易是如何进行的,或是通过利用市场来评判无力偿债的风险从而帮助判定银行何时必须募集更多的资本(见文章)。

    Regulators could monitor how this trades , or use markets that gauge the risk of insolvency , to help decide when banks must raise more capital ( see article ) .

  22. 工行与其它国内银行拥有(少量)“美国制造”的危险产品,但与汇丰不同,它们没有向无力偿债的美国或英国房屋业主提供贷款。

    ICBC and its compatriots have their ( small ) share of toxic made-in-the-US products but , unlike HSBC , they are not out there lending to stressed American or UK home-owners .

  23. 委员会先后发表的报告书,课题广泛,包括商业仲裁、资料保护、离婚、售卖货品和提供服务、无力偿债、欺诈行为及法例释义等。

    The Commission has published reports covering subjects as diverse as commercial arbitration , data protection , divorce , sale of goods and supply of services , insolvency , fraud and statutory interpretation .

  24. 他们对中国的银行(它们背负巨额不良债务,尽管在账目上承认的坏债不多)以及借入美元资金的房地产集团(它们可能无力偿债)特别悲观。

    They are particularly pessimistic about the banks , given their vast ( though minimally recognised ) bad debts , and property groups that have borrowed US dollars , which they may not be able to repay .

  25. 公司重整是指公司无力偿债的情况下,依照法律规定的程序,保护公司继续营业,实现债务调整和公司整理,使之摆脱困境,走向复兴的再建型债务清理制度。

    Reorganization refers to the reconstructive liquidation system of Insolvent Corporation , which adjusts its debts and reorganizes its enterprise to ensure its ongoing management , then shuffle off the trouble to achieve renaissance of itself eventually .

  26. 英国央行拒绝提供支持的那天,欧沃尼停止现金支付,挤兑变成了一场骚乱,之后又有10家银行暂停支付,200家公司无力偿债,伦敦金融城的街道上人群拥挤,跌跌撞撞。

    The day after the Bank of England declined support , Overend suspended cash payments and the run turned into a riot - with 10 further banks suspending payments , 200 companies defaulting and " throngs heaving and tumbling about Lombard Street " .

  27. 不过,在年景不好的时候这类交易会增多,可能是因为一些子公司(比如钢铁厂商或房地产开发商)无力偿债(从银行贷款利息到拖欠供应商的款项或拖欠员工的工资)。

    However , when these sorts of transactions pick up during bad times , it could be that some units , such as steelmakers or property developers , can 't pay their bills-from interest on a bank loan to payments owed to suppliers or wages due to employees .

  28. 自去年秋季海运市场普遍暴跌以来,观察人士就在等着银行开始对无力继续偿债的船东采取激烈行动。

    Observers have been waiting since most shipping markets collapsed last autumn for banks to start acting robustly with shipowners unable to keep up payments on their debts .