
  1. 资产要素概念的科学表述

    Scientific Expression of the Concept of Asset Element

  2. 顾客价值视角的卷烟品牌资产要素研究

    Study of Customer-based Cigarette Brand Equity Element

  3. 资产要素是指企业经营管理的具有获利能力的现时资源。

    The assets element is the present resource making profit managed and administered by the enterprise .

  4. 对会计资产要素的理论探讨

    Theoretic Deliberation on Assets Element

  5. 资产要素新定义表述的探析

    A New Definition of Assets

  6. 目前通行的资产要素概念未能科学地反映资产的本质,导致资产确认、计量、报告出现一系列问题。

    The concept of asset element currently cannot reflect the essence of assets , and has caused a serious of problems about identification , measure , and reporting of assets .

  7. 信息战拓击的重点目标,既有技术资产要素,又有人的行为要素,其最终目标是对方军队的战斗潜力。

    The emphasis on the object of IW is distributed evenly among technological assets and human behavioral elements , and it 's ultimate objective is the combat power potential of an opposing force .

  8. 本文针对目前财务报告改进讨论中存在没有考虑会计要素影响的缺陷,提出资产要素的研究应成为财务报告改进的起点。

    To the discuss of financial reporting reform has the basic defect of ignoring accounting elements ' influence currently , this paper suggested the study of accounting elements as the start point of reporting reform .

  9. 对林业企业碳会计资产要素的确认,企业只有对确认、计量及会计处理有了明确的认识与理解后,各项活动才能有条不紊地进行。

    Confirmation of the forestry enterprise assets elements carbon accounting , enterprises only to confirm , measurement and accounting treatment with understanding clear , various activities to everything in good order and well arranged for .

  10. 认为在资产要素的研究中,应充分考虑企业价值创造的充分条件&企业能力。费用是会计学核心要素之一,但现有定义并未揭示其本质属性。

    Furthermore , we argue that when accounting elements are studied , the sufficient factor of corporate value-creating & corporate competence , must be considered . Expense is one of the core accounting elements , but the existed definition cannot reflect its essence at - tribute .

  11. 主要是通过相关理论的介绍及文献回顾,为B2C网站品牌资产构成要素的分析提供理论依据。

    To provide the theoretical basis for analysis the composition factors of B2C website brand asset by reviewing the related theories and records .

  12. 三是构建顾客视角B2C网站品牌资产影响要素的金字塔模型,采用结构方程模型进行了研究,修正了以往关系价值在B2C购物网站中的意义。

    Last but not the least , it built a B2C website brand assets affect elements pyramid model from customer perspective using structural equation modeling , and corrected the significance of past relationship value in the B2C shopping site .

  13. 文化对顾客资产驱动要素的影响分析

    Analyzing Cultural Influence upon Customer Asset Driving Factor

  14. 综上所述,本文关于文化对顾客资产驱动要素影响的研究在跨文化顾客资产管理方面具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    In sum , study on the influence of CE driving factors affected by culture is of great theoretical and practical meaning in cross-culture customer equity management . Firstly , this paper has combed the domestic and foreign concerned CE and culture theories .

  15. 会计准则中的资产和负债要素问题的探讨

    The Problem of Elements of Asset and Liability in Accounting St and ard

  16. 有关资产的构成要素的更多信息,请参见可重用资产规范。

    See Reusable Asset Specification for more information about what makes an asset .

  17. 在不同的文化环境中,由于文化差异的存在,顾客资产的驱动要素也存在差异。

    So in different cultures , customer asset driving factor also vary because of cultural differences .

  18. 通过分析顾客资产的组成要素,建立一个具有代表性和实用性的模型,即重要性业绩提升分析法。

    Through the analysis of the elements of customer equity , we establish a representative and applied model , the importance-performance-enhancing analysis .

  19. 资本、技术、无形资产作为生产力要素参与分配是基于对劳动价值论的再认识。

    Capitals , techniques and invisible capitals as productive elements taking shares in distribution is based on recognition of labor theory of value .

  20. 运用品牌资产价值增长要素分析方格分析了不同品牌的典型发展路径,并进一步阐述了品牌资产的增长机理。

    This tool could be used to analyze the classic developing routine of different brand and to further interpret the growth mechanics of brand equity .

  21. 通过各影响因素的影响度综合分析可知,自然资源、固定资产和可变要素投入的波动性变化是河北省耕地生产力波动形成的主要原因。

    Analysis by influence degree , we conclude that fluctuation of natural resources 、 permanent assets and various constituents was the main contributor for crop productivity fluctuation in Hebei province .

  22. 资产负债表要素包括资产、负债和净资产;运营表要素包括收入和费用;现金流量表要素包括现金收入、现金支出和现金余额。

    The balance sheet elements include assets , liabilities and net worth , with operating table elements including revenues and expenses . The cash flow statement elements include the cash receipts , cash disbursements , and cash balances .

  23. 在这一转方式、调结构的战略实施中,工业用地作为一项重要的资源性资产和生产要素,不仅是作用对象而且是调控手段。

    As the important resource assets and essential factors of production , industrial land serves not only as the object but also regulation approach in the implement of the strategy on " transferring mode and adjusting structure " .

  24. 国内外学者对客户资产及其驱动要素等问题有了不少研究,本研究从关系营销的角度,对企业-客户动态互动的情境下的客户资产进行了深入探索。

    Domestic and international scholars have done many researches on Customer Equity and its divers . From the perspective of Relationship Marketing , this research is conducted to deeply explore the Customer Equity under the context of Customer-Enterprise dynamic interactions .

  25. 关于新《企业会计制度》资产负债表三要素的思考

    Thoughts about Three Elements of Balance Sheet in New Enterprise Accounting Systems

  26. 资产阶级经济学的要素价值论、效用价值论等是错误的。

    The factor theory and utility theory of value of the capitalist economics are mistaken .

  27. 森林资产评估的基本要素

    Basic Factors of Forest Asset Assessment

  28. 基础营销资源是指企业拥有或能够取得的、作为营销活动输入而不包含营销活动产出(如市场资产)的经营要素。

    Basic marketing resources are defined as the operation factors working as marketing input not as marketing output , owned or obtainable by the firm .

  29. 无形资产的价值驱动要素通过网络各层次间的相互嵌入和价值交换而相互联系,形成了以无形资产为核心的企业价值创造系统。

    The drivers of intangibles are interlocked by exchange and embeddedness of different layers of value network , which constructs the value creating system based on the intangibles .

  30. 检验结果表明,通货膨胀与居民金融资产结构的主要要素之间均具有长期稳定的相关关系,但是因果关系并不显著,这和我们的前期的预测有一定差距。

    The test result shows that there is a long-term stability correlation between inflation and residents ' financial assets . However , the causal relationship is not significant . The result is different from the previous prediction .