
  1. 学习如何赚钱与附属产品。

    Learn how to make money with affiliate products .

  2. 这里是另一个想法赚钱与您的博客:加入了博客网!

    Here is another idea for making money with your blog : Join a blogging network !

  3. 他们赚钱与否归结于对时机的把握:在2000年3月之前卖掉企业的人,后来都富得流油。

    Whether they made money or not came down to timing : if they sold before March 2000 , they became obscenely rich .

  4. 假如你可以干脆去借钱,以此代替赚钱与省钱,那可会省掉许多麻烦了。

    It saves a lot of trouble if , instead of having to earn money and save it , you can just go and borrow it .

  5. 在“硅谷”横冲直撞的那些千禧代萌娃们可能穿得土头土脑而对编码有天生的热情,但是,他们的目标——赚钱与掌权——是深得雅皮士精髓的,即便他们的社交技能尚有不足。

    The lovable millennial bumblers on " Silicon Valley " may be scruffy and genuinely passionate about coding , but their goal - making money and leveraging power - is quintessentially yuppie , even if their social skills aren 't.

  6. 但一些橄榄球纯粹主义者认为,里奇执掌的RFU热衷于赚钱,与橄榄球的核心价值观格格不入。

    But to some rugby purists , the RFU has , under Mr Ritchie , taken on a zeal for making money that sits uneasily with rugby 's core values .

  7. 你可以阅读更多关于赚钱这里与联属网络营销。

    You can read more about making money with affiliate marketing here .

  8. 他希望通过以下的行业趋势赚钱:与“希望和更少的客户一起做更多事情的客户”进行整合。

    He hopes to cash in on the industry trend towards consolidation with " clients wanting to do more with fewer clients " .

  9. 松下和富士通将剥离各自的系统lsi业务(对于这两家企业来说,这项业务都在整体业务中占较小比重,且不赚钱),与专业半导体制造商瑞萨(renesas)的该项业务合并。

    Panasonic and Fujitsu would spin off their system LSI businesses which in both cases are small but unprofitable parts of their overall operations and combine them with those of Renesas , a specialised semiconductor manufacturer .

  10. 朱莉亚的未婚夫格伦是个十足的风流种子,忙着赚钱之余与别的女孩子暗通歌曲,让痴情的朱莉亚一人忙活婚礼的事。

    Julia unmarried Fuge Lun is full of romantic seeds busy to make money and the other girls in the dark song , so lovestruck Julia things a person busy for the wedding .

  11. 资本主义通过肮脏手段去赚钱并破坏环境与文化。

    Capitalism makes money through mean devices and damages environment and culture .

  12. 哈里总是想赚钱,是以与他做生意要小心。

    Harry is always on the make , so be careful in any business dealings with him .

  13. 由于不需要赚钱,他开始与亡灵世界对话、写诗。

    Free from the need to earn , he conducted seances with the spirit world and wrote poetry .