
  1. 当前,巨大的赚钱效应使房地产建设方兴未艾,房地产市场泡沫激增。

    Nowadays , the real estate construction is growing and the real estate market bubble is booming because of the huge profits .

  2. 此时人气涣散,交投不活,股价波幅较窄,场内套利机会不多,几乎没有任何赚钱效应。

    At this time losing slack trading , lack of fluctuation is narrow , there was little opportunity for arbitrage , making money virtually no effect .

  3. 交易费用理论可以解释电子商务如何降低企业经营成本,波特的价值链可以解释如何通过电子商务使企业产生赚钱效应。

    The expenses theory of the trade can explain how e-business reduces enterprise 's operating cost and Potter 's value chain can explain how to make enterprises produce the effect of making money through e-business .