
  • 网络the imperial bank of china;Commercial Bank of China
  1. 论中国通商银行的人事管理

    On Personal Management of Imperial Bank of China

  2. 该文论述中国通商银行创立的过程和初期业务经营运作情况。

    This thesis discuss the founding process and the operation on initial stages of the Imperial Bank of China .

  3. 中国通商银行的章程制度体现在该行制订的几个文本文件中。

    The constitution and system of the bank incarnated in several files drawed by the bank itself .

  4. 其思想动机,本质上是利益之争,是为了防止盛宣怀由控制中国通商银行进而控制芦汉铁路。

    His motive was to prevent Sheng Xuan-huai controlling the Luhan railroad through dominating the Imperial Bank of China .

  5. 从中国通商银行之创办看晚清的官商矛盾

    Discussing the Contradictions between Government Officials and Businessmen in Late Qing Dynasty from the Establishment of China Business Bank

  6. 在早期中国通商银行的运作中,盛宣怀对该行人事和业务活动一贯进行介入,并握有最终决定权。

    In the early operation of the Imperial Bank of China , Sheng Xuan-huai took intervention on personnel and operation of the bank , and held the last power of decision .

  7. 虽然中国通商银行与大清银行的出现填补了国内银行业发展的空缺,但官僚体制背景的银行管理制度并没有培养出真正意义上的现代银行家。

    Although the two banks appear to fill the vacancies in the development of the domestic banking sector , the modern bankers culture in the true sense of the local Chinese appear more sluggish .

  8. 中国通商银行成立之初的资本来源、章程制度和人员组织状况中国通商银行成立之初的资本来源主要是商股和户部存款。

    Finally , I dissertate the flexura of the Imperial Bank of China in the course of being founded . The second part is about the status of the capital , constitution and personnel organization at the beginning of the bank .

  9. 中国通商银行是中国第一家商业银行,其创办者盛宣怀经办洋务多年,因而在管理上通商银行既体出西方的管理思想,又体出中国传统的管理思想。

    Imperial Bank of China , the first commercial bank in China , whose founder SHENG Xuan-huai had dealed with foreign business for many years , not only incarnated the foreign idea of management , but also Chinese conventional idea of management .