
wú xiàn ɡōnɡ sī
  • unlimited company;unlimited partnership
  1. 如申请人为无限公司,请提交香港商业登记证副本;

    In case the applicant is an unlimited company , please submit copy of Hong Kong business registration certificate ;

  2. 澳门法定的公司形式有四类:无限公司、有限公司、两合公司和股份有限公司。

    There are 4 types of companies according to the Macau legal system : unlimited company , limited company , limited partnership , companies limited by shares .

  3. 在美国,Verizon无限公司已经宣称,计划在明年实验自己研发的5G,这一产业技术将引发新种类装置和连接服务的探讨。

    In the US , Verizon Wireless has already said it plans to field-test its own take on 5G next year , and the industry is starting to talk about the new kinds of devices and connected services that will spring from the technology .

  4. 这是除了外国的战争,无限公司的补贴和更多。

    That 's besides foreign wars , limitless corporate subsidies and more .

  5. 一般来说,英美法系国家的法律多允许人力资本出资,而大陆法系国家的立法大多不承认人力资本出资或者是仅允许无限公司进行人力资本出资。

    Generally speaking , most of common law counties ' laws allow the funding of human capital , while which is forbidden or with the exception of unlimited companies in civil law counties .

  6. 2001年,中国银行成功重组了香港中银集团,将10家成员银行兼并成立外地注册的“中国银行(香港)无限公司”。

    In2001 , the bank of China in Hong Kong , bocg successful restructuring , 10 members of the house bank merged to local registered " bank of China ( Hong Kong ) limited company " .

  7. 无限公司和两合公司乃应社会经济发展需要稳定的组织形态而产生的,无限公司和两合公司所具有的团体性和稳定性的长处正是我国合伙主体立法所追求的。

    It is that social economy development needs steady organization form with the produce of infinite company and two join company , their advantages of organization and stability are pursued by partnership main legislation of our country .

  8. 中国银行股份无限公司辽宁省分行是中国银行树立最早的国际分支机构之一,是中国银行国际八家一类分行和十大重点地域分行之一。

    LTD is the bank of China branches in liaoning province the oldest established domestic one of the branches of the bank of China is a branch and domestic eight home ten key areas of the branch .

  9. 有限责任公司介于股份公司和无限公司之间,兼有人合性和资合性的特点,其股权转让似乎无时不在自由和限制之间游弋。

    The limited liability company , which has the feature of Human resource integrity and capital integrity , is between the stock joint company and the unlimited liability company . Shares transfer happens all the time freely or constrainedly .

  10. 事实上,在独立责任、有限责任作为公司法人的成立要件之后,我们仍可以看到诸如两合公司,无限公司作为主体对待的情形。

    Actually , we can still see admission of the subject status of other company modes after the independent and limited liability has become essence of the foundation of companies , for instance the limited partnership and unlimited companies .

  11. 昔日影坛风光无限米高梅公司重组计划已获得批准,电影公司将由望远镜娱乐公司(SpyglassEntertainment)掌舵再次出发。

    Creditors have officially approved the MGM restructuring plan that will put Spyglass Entertainment in charge of the studio , getting it moving once again .

  12. 有限责任无限责任公司比有限责任公司的风险高。

    limited liability Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies .

  13. 美林(merrilllynch)的公牛标识给美国中部的主要街道增色不少,一度风光无限的独立公司,也被迫出卖给美国银行。

    Merrill Lynch , once a proud independent company whose bull logo adorned the main streets of Middle America , was forced to sell itself to Bank of America .

  14. 在澳大利亚西部玛格丽特河优质葡萄酒产区,有一家一度风光无限的酿酒公司palandri,它的故事很好地说明了澳大利亚葡萄酒业出了问题。

    The story of palandri , a flashy winery constructed in the fine wine region Margaret River in Western Australia , nicely illustrates what went wrong .

  15. 无限责任是公司的基本责任形式。

    Unlimited liabilities are the basic form of liabilities in a company .

  16. 追求卓越,创新无限,本公司为您提供最优质的产品!

    In pursuit of excellence with unlimited innovations , we will provide you with the highest quality products .

  17. 加拿大的公司注册,大致分慈善性、非赢利性、无限和有限公司四大类。

    Canada divides its companies into four categories for registration , i.e. , charity , non-profit , unlimited and limited companies .

  18. 不管怎么说,阴差阳错的经典误导例子非伯鲁提(Berluti)莫属,它已大大“背离”了自己赖以成名的设计另类但启迪无限创意的品牌公司形象。

    Anyway wanting a textbook example of misguided decisions should look no further than Berluti , which has drifted far from being a house of eccentric but enlightened creativity .

  19. 有限责任公司的无限责任&《公司法》第12条及简评

    Unlimited Liabilities of the Limited Corporations : Comment on Article 12 of Corporate Law

  20. 无限责任股东与有限责任股东,以全体之同意,变更其组织为无限公司时,依前项规定行之。

    When shareholders of unlimited liability and shareholders of limited liability unanimously agree to REINCORPORATE the company into an unlimited company , it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .