
wú mínɡ hé tonɡ
  • innominate contract;unnamed contracts
  1. 对于无名合同,可以采用前者检查单。

    On unnamed contract , we can use the former checklists .

  2. 第一部分概述无名合同的基础理论。

    The first part outlines the basic theory of nameless contract .

  3. 这就是本文所要讨论的问题:无名合同的法律适用。

    The subject of the paper is application of the law to unnamed contract .

  4. 一是说明无名合同在罗马法上的法律适用;

    It will show the application of law of unnamed contract in Roman law .

  5. 因此无名合同的法律适用,在实践中就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore a nameless contract the applicable laws , in practice are particularly important .

  6. 第三部分,阐述无名合同解释的标准及规则。

    The third part explains the standards and rules of interpretation of nameless contract .

  7. 本文中将阐述无名合同的基本理论及如何适用法律的问题。

    This paper will explain the basic theory of nameless contracts and how to apply the law .

  8. 无名合同是指法律未明文规定的合同形态,与有名合同相对应。

    Anonymous contract is a contract law does not expressly provided for form , and well-known contract correspond .

  9. 无名合同因为没有明确的法律规制,在效力认定问题上存在困难。

    Without clear and definite laws , it 's usually hard to judge the validity of innominate contracts .

  10. 按照传统合同法理论,合同可以分为有名合同和无名合同。

    According to the traditional contract theory , the contract can be divided into the famous contract and nameless contract .

  11. 通过本文的阐述后,我们对无名合同的法律适用问题会有更加深刻的了解。

    Described by this paper , we will be more profound understanding of the problem of the applicable law of nameless contract .

  12. 它与合同法所规定的有名合同不同,是一种无名合同。

    This contract is different from other contracts with names prescribed in Contract Law , it is a kind of nameless contract .

  13. 物业服务合同是典型的民事合同,是一种新类型的服务合同,是合同法上的无名合同和要式合同。

    As a new kind of service contract , it belongs to the unnamed contract and special-formed contract in the Contract Law .

  14. 笔者将从无名合同的概念、分类等理论方面,以及无名合同的法律适用、法律解释和立法取向等实践方面对无名合同进行系统阐述。

    The author will make a systematic study on conception , classification , legal application , legal interpretation , legislative tendency and so on .

  15. 能源管理合同是具有互利性、综合性和长期性的民事合同,属于合同法中的无名合同。

    The EPC is a mutually beneficial , comprehensive and long-term civil contract , which belongs to nameless contract as specified by Contract Law .

  16. 第二部分是分析无名合同的法律适用原则、无名合同的分类及其法律适用。

    The second part is about the applicable law principle of nameless contract , the classification of the nameless contract and the applicable law .

  17. 现实层面中,立法者不可能一一穷尽各种情况,现实生活中大量无名合同在不断的产生。

    In the level of actuality , the legislator is impossible to exhaust all the cases , and a large number of nameless contracts have been creating .

  18. 我国的旅游合同立法是一个有争议的问题,导致旅游合同至今在我国《合同法》中未被列名,是无名合同。

    The legislation of travel contract is full of disputes in our country , which causes that the travel contract has nor been nominated by Law of Contract .

  19. 我国现行的合同法对于储蓄合同没有专门的规定,储蓄合同应该作为一种无名合同来处理。

    There 's no specialized stipulation for deposit contract in our country 's current contract law , and the deposit contract should be treated as a kind of nameless contract .

  20. 摘要目前我国旅游业蓬勃发展,而旅游合同在统一合同法中未加设计,属于无名合同。

    The tourist industry of our country grows vigorously at present , but the travel contract is not designed in unifying the contract law , it is a nameless contract .

  21. 所以,本文所研究的无名合同在法理意义上是充分体现了法律对合同意思自治的尊重和保护。

    Therefore , it absolutely reflects that the law has respect and protection to the meaning autonomous principle of contract through the study of nameless contract in the level of law principle .

  22. 旅游合同尚属无名合同,条款通常为格式条款,旅游经营者经常利用格式条款侵害旅游消费者权益。

    The travelling contract is unnamed contract and the terms of the contracts are standard terms . The tourism organizers often use the standard terms to violate the rights of the tourism consumers .

  23. 在处理有名合同纠纷时,法官会很容易找到据以裁判的法律规范,但是在处理无名合同纠纷时,找法的过程就要复杂得多。

    It is easy for the judge to find law grounds to deal with the disputes in named contract , while it is more difficult in dealing with the disputes in unnamed contract .

  24. 本章基于第二章对包销合同作出的无名合同的认定,分析了目前我国立法的现状,并进一步提出了立法中存在的问题。

    Based on the cognizance of the unnamed contract in chapter 2 , the writer gives an analysis of the current situation of legislation in China and furthermore puts forward the problems in the legislation .

  25. 该委托理财合同多数是格式合同,也是一种无名合同。

    Most of the financing contracts are form contracts , also a kind of unknown contracts , in fact , in the real practice , there is great arguments about the nature commissioned financing contract .

  26. 立足于法律调整的角度,从民事法律行为及《合同法》中无名合同的角度,重新明确了夫妻忠实协议的性质和效力。

    Adjusted based on the law , we redefine the nature and effect of the loyal agreement of husband and wife from the perspective of civil legal acts and anonymous in the " Contract Law " .

  27. 明确定期租船合同的无名合同性质,在航运实践中具有十分重要的意义,因为对合同性质的不同认定,将会导致何方当事人需要承担违约后果的问题。

    There is great significance on certain of the nature of time charter paries in shipping practice . Because the unclearly nature of the time charter parties would lead parties to breach of contract and undertake the liability .

  28. 公寓住宿合同作为一种无名合同,在合同订立、合同当事人间的权利义务、合同履行、合同的法律适用等方面有着不同的制度设计。

    Apartment lodgings ' contract as a kind of nameless contract that have different system design in concluding Conclusion of contract , rights and obligations among the contracting parties , contract fulfill and law perform in different respects of contract .

  29. 其次,对具体无名合同的法律适用规则进行了研究,对不同类型且具有不同特点的无名合同分情况处理,依其各自特点确定合适的法律适用规则。

    Secondly , the specific legal rules in the contract anonymous conducted research on the different characteristics of different types and has a sub-contract case dealing with the unknown , according to their own characteristics to determine the appropriate legal rules .

  30. 该协议是区别于代物清偿结果的独立的债法上的合同类型,适用我国《合同法》有关无名合同的规定。

    The agreement is one of the types of the contract in the debt law , which is different from the result of the datio in solutum . It should be adjusted by the provisions on the nameless contract in the the Contract Law of the P.R.C. .