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rì mù
  • dusk;nightfall;evening
日暮 [rì mù]
  • [at dusk] 太阳快落山的时候

  • 日暮时分,炊烟袅袅

  • 日暮,所击杀者无虑百人。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  1. 我要在日暮之前返回。

    I shall be back ere nightfall .

  2. 日暮归来,城内已万家灯火。

    When we returned at dusk , the lights of the city had come on .

  3. 日暮。

    The day is declining .

  4. 他在日暮之前到我家来。

    He came to my house before dark .

  5. 日暮苍穹,把什么都覆盖了,蔓延出静默森林。

    The sunset covered everything and turn to the silent forest .

  6. 老年应当在日暮时燃烧咆哮;

    Old age should burn and rave at close of day ;

  7. 人们相信她的事业已到了日暮西山的时候。

    People believe that she is in the twilight of her career .

  8. 凄凉日暮,正是江淹诗歌的主要情感基调。

    Jiang Yan is the main emotional tone poem .

  9. 日暮西山的艳曲悲歌&白先勇后期小说透视

    Beautiful and Sad Melody on the Decline & A Perspective on the late novels by Bai Xian-yong

  10. 当他返家时,他会回到书房,开始阅读、写信直到日暮才休息。

    When he came home he returned to his study and read and wrote letters till the light failed .

  11. 日暮乡关何处是&论伊迪丝·华顿在《欢乐之家》中对精神家园的求索

    Where is the Hometown at Dusk & On Edith Wharton 's Pursuit of Spiritual Home in the House of Mirth

  12. 日暮时分,我怀着对古时的感念离开了宏村,真是依依不舍啊。

    At sunset , It is with gratitude for his ancient right to leave Hongcun really reluctant to part ah .

  13. 日暮月色金黄,我将往昔追望,幕幕铭记心间,如斯飞逝。

    Sundown yellow moon , I replay the past , I know every scene by heart , they all went by so fast .

  14. 在这个目空一切的女人面前,像他这样上了年纪的老人和一个日暮穷途的演员,最希望得到的不是崇拜,而是尊重。

    Faced with this contemptuous woman , what he desired most , as ageing man and precarious actor , was respect rather than admiration .

  15. 同时,对四月和四月的日暮黄昏,还产生一种陶然忘情的欣赏共鸣—一种为之怦然心动的神驰向往,进入壮年之后,又无可挽回地逐渐淡化平息。

    and also a far higher sensibility for April and April evenings-a heartache for them , which in riper years is gradually and irretrievably consoled .

  16. 到了日暮时分,你大概已经忘记自己究竟在哪个国家了,因为一整天下来一直不断跨越国界。

    By the time the sunset comes , you 've probably forgotten which country you 're in . You 've been crossing borders back and forth so frequently .

  17. 因为大家都还不知是怎么回事就已碰得头破血流了。终于到了日暮时分,我相信他的仪式已经结束了,于是走上楼去敲门,没有动静;

    Towards evening , when I felt assured that all his performances and rituals must be over , I went up to his room and knocked at the door ;

  18. 中日日暮诗的意象分析&《唐诗三百首》与《新古今和歌集》之比较

    An Analysis of the Images in Chinese and Japanese Dusk Poetry & Comparison Between 300 Poetry Master Pieces of Tang Dynasty and The New Anthology Waka Poetry in All Ages

  19. 画面上,有午间小憩的耕田者,有匆匆奔走去上学的学童,有月夜对饮的渔夫,有日暮归来的打柴人。

    Screen , a midday nap in farming who have rushed to the school children running around , drinking a moonlit night on the fisherman , a sunset return of firewood people .

  20. 当短促的北方白昼交上日暮的时候,我们发觉自己简直是露身在荒凉的海洋上,海里的冰冻的浪花,象一件锃亮的甲胄般,把我们冰封起来。

    and as the short northern day merged into night , we found ourselves almost broad upon the wintry ocean , whose freezing spray cased us in ice , as in polished armor .

  21. 但待到他日暮而息,却未必能忍受形影相吊,空有思绪做伴的时光,他必到“可以看见大伙儿”的去处去找乐子,如他所认为的那样以补偿白日里的孤独;

    but when he comes home at night he cannot sit down in a room alone , at the mercy of his thoughts , but must be where he can : see the folks , : " and recreate , and , as he thinks , remunerate himself for his day 's solitude ;