
  1. 近海边的地面坡度很大。坡面日出日没时角的配置关系与坡向坡度

    The match relations between sunrise and sunset hour angles of slope surfaces with slope azimuth and slope gradient

  2. 根据坡面日出日没时角配置关系及其变化规律,坡面的可照时间可根据不同的情况用一组具体的计算公式表示。

    According to the formula to calculate the everyday insolation-duration , it is possible that the everyday insolation-duration on slope is equal to zero .

  3. 这里,我们看到的是Anna-Sophia2016年4月8日在卡纳维拉尔角,看着她的实验装置发射到国际空间站。

    Here we see Anna-Sophia on April 8 , 2016 , in Cape Canaveral , watching her experiment launch to the International Space Station .

  4. 坡面日出日没时角的配置关系与太阳赤纬

    Of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets . Match Relations Between Sunrise and Sunset Hour Angles of Slope Surfaces and Solar Declination

  5. 阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机发射台上坐在39-1在准备发射后从肯尼迪航天中心今天向国际空间站2010年5月14日在卡纳维拉尔角。

    Space Shuttle Atlantis sits on launch pad39-a in preparation for launch later today from Kennedy Space Center to the International Space Station May14,2010 in Cape Canaveral .

  6. CCTV新闻频道带给您自7月22日开始的非洲角马大迁徙之实况转播。

    CCTV NEWS has brought you live coverage of the great wildebeest migration since July 22nd .

  7. 最后,还利用1995年10月11日的GPS折射角资料进行了数值试验,结果表明了变分同化方法和计算优化步长方法的有效性。

    Finally , a numerical variational assimilation experiment is performed using the GPS bending angle data of 11 October 1995 . The numerical results indicate the validity of the variational assimilation method and the adaptive method introduced here .

  8. 1984年6月6日于诺曼底奥克角

    Pointe du Hoc , Normandy , 6 June 1984

  9. 日、月地方时角与青海中强地震关系的研究

    Discussion on the local hour angles of the moon and the sun and the strong earthquake in Qinghai Province

  10. 本文利用山东地震台网仪器记录资料,研究了1985年12月28日山东胜利油田角07井因漏水而诱发的震群活动。

    On December 28 , 1985 , an earthquake swarm was induced by leaking of water of Jiao oil well of the Shengli oil field , Shandong province . angle .

  11. 那群男士中有一个叫布莱恩的,他建议他们7月4日那天去科德角,并且与他家人一起在普罗温斯顿度过那一天。

    One of the men , a guy named Brian , suggested they go to Cape Cod for Fourth of July and spend the day with his family in Provincetown .