
  • 网络japanese navy
  1. 1914年,德国的行政管理在日本海军占有马绍而群岛(Marshall)、卡罗林群岛(Caroline)和北部马里亚纳群岛(NorthernMarianaIslands)之后结束。

    In1914 German administration ended when the Japanese navy took military possession of the Marshall , Caroline and Northern Mariana Islands .

  2. 日本海军与政局变动(1922-1936)

    The Japanese Navy and Political Changes ( 1922-1936 )

  3. 美国和日本海军是发展海军航空部队的佼佼者。

    The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation

  4. 从舰队防空系统的发展看日本海军战略的转变

    Japan Fleet Air Defense System and its Naval Strategy

  5. 抗战胜利后中国对台澎地区日本海军的接收

    A Survey of That Chinese Amy Managed Captive Japanese Navy in Taiwan after Sino-Japan War

  6. 同时,日本海军也在搜集中国军舰的情报并加强侦察力度。

    Japan 's navy is also collecting intelligence and strengthening surveillance over the Chinese fleet .

  7. 而镇远则因触礁受损,最后投降编入日本海军。

    And Warship Zhenyuan was wounded after striking a reef and it finally surrendered and put into Japanese Navy .

  8. 空袭珍珠港的念头是日本海军总司令山本大将想出的。

    The idea of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor originated in the brain of admiral yamamoto , the Japanese commander-in-chief .

  9. 抗战胜利后,国民政府海军奉命参加光复台湾行动,主要任务是接收台澎地区的日本海军。

    After Sino-Japan war , the navy of national government participated on orders in recovering Taiwan , of which the main mission is to manage captive Japanese navy .

  10. 1937年中日战争全面爆发,日本海军作为水上和空中进攻的重要力量,协同日本陆军进行了南京攻略作战。

    The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937 , Japanese navy , as an important waterway and air offensive forces , coordinated Japanese ground force to launched an attack against Nanjing .

  11. 根据战前制定的作战计划,中国空军开战后的主要作战区域为华东地区,主要对手是日本海军航空兵。

    According to the military campaign planned out before the Anti Japanese War , Japanese Naval Air Force will became their major enemy in the east China when the war break out .

  12. 近现代的日本海军可谓叱咤风云,在日本乃至世界海军发展史上都占有重要地位,最终日美交锋归于尘土。

    Having an important position in Japanese and the world navy development history , Japanese near contemporary navy looked rather famous in the certain period , and ended after fighting against American navy .

  13. 以往,中国方面一般以南京保卫战的概念来论述此次战事,并且长期忽视了日本海军在这次战事中的作战活动及作用。对于这次战事的起始时间也尚有一定的争议。

    China has always elaborated this war as a defensive war , and neglects the tasks undertaken by Japanese navy and their role for a long time , also , there are some disputes over the starting time of the war .

  14. 抗战初期,海军参与了江阴保卫战,战况相当惨烈,但中国海军并没有与日本海军进行激烈的交战,更多是海军自沉江面,以延缓日本海军的前进步伐。

    Early in the war , the navy participated in the Battle of Jiangyin , fighting quite tragic , but the Chinese navy and the Japanese navy did not fierce fighting , more heavy river from the navy to delay the pace of the Japanese navy .

  15. 他是驻扎在日本的海军陆战队队员。

    He was stationed there as a marine .

  16. 中国上一次试图与西方国家及邻国日本的海军抗衡是在19世纪末江河日下的清朝时期,以失败告终。

    The last time China tried to match the naval forces of Western powers and neighbouring Japan was a failed effort by the declining Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century .

  17. 但这一幻觉仅在6年后就被戏剧性地击碎了。这支耀眼的新舰队在中日甲午海战中,被更为组织有方的日本帝国海军打得全军覆没。

    That fiction was dramatically exposed just six years later when China 's shiny new armada was crushed by the much better organised Imperial Navy of Japan in the Battle of the Yalu River .

  18. 这场官司在东京、上海两地的法院打了70年,最后以中国船王陈顺通的后代获得40亿日元赔偿告终,没想到家族纠纷却随之而来。二战期间,陈顺通的船被日本帝国海军征用后全部损失。

    The row broke out after a 70 year battle pursued through the courts of Tokyo and Shanghai ended with the award of ¥ 4bn compensation to the descendants of Chinese shipping tycoon Chen Shuntong , whose ships had been commandeered by the Japanese navy and lost during the war .

  19. 在地震发生两天后,日本自卫队海军成员在福岛附近海域救起了这名60岁的老人博光新川(HiromitsuShinkawa),当时他正依靠一个屋顶的碎片漂浮在海上。

    A Maritime Self-Defence Force destroyer rescued 60-year-old Hiromitsu Shinkawa after discovering him floating on a piece of roof in waters off Fukushima Prefecture , two days after the disaster struck .

  20. 甚至连美国与印度和日本举行的海军演习也被排除。

    Even US naval manoeuvres with India and Japan are out .

  21. 日本的某些海军军舰也拥有与航母相同的功能。

    Some of Japan 's naval ships can also perform as aircraft carriers .

  22. 驻扎在日本附近的美国海军带来了应急物资。

    U.S. Marines stationed in nearby Japan brought emergency supplies .

  23. 马歇尔群岛西部的一个环礁,二战中是日本的空军和海军基地。

    An atoll in the western Marshall Islands that was used as a Japanese air and naval base during World War II .

  24. 日本昨天下令其海军燃料补给船驶离印度洋,从而结束了长达6年向美国领导的阿富汗军事行动免费供应石油的行动。

    Japan yesterday ordered its naval refuelling vessels to leave the Indian Ocean , ending six years of operations to supply free oil for US-led military operations in Afghanistan .

  25. 去年11月,一艘中国军舰历史性地访问了日本港口,但日本海军舰艇的回访至今尚未实现。

    While a Chinese warship made a historic port visit to Japan last November , a reciprocal voyage by a Japanese naval vessel has yet to take place .

  26. 虽然美日两国政府都采取了许多措施来深化两国间的防务联系,但日本民间日益反对美国在日本设立海军基地部署美军战机也令两国间的合作努力进一步复杂化。

    While the two governments are taking many steps to deepen defense ties , rising grass-roots opposition in Japan to Marine bases and the deployment of U.S. military aircraft has complicated cooperation efforts . ' The U.S. - Japan alliance remains strong , but it has weakened a bit ─

  27. 但一战后形成的华盛顿体制对日本限制较多,特别是华盛顿会议对日本海军的限制,引发了日本海军内部舰队派的反对。

    But the Washington System has many limits on Japan , especially its navy , which was against by the Fleet faction in Japan after the World War .

  28. 在日本爆发灾难之后,中国迅速做出反应,甚至还提出向日本派遣一艘海军医院船(日本最终拒绝了这一提议)。

    China was quick to respond after the disaster , even offering to dispatch a naval hospital ship ( an offer Japan ultimately declined ) .