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  1. 在他布置简单的房间里聊天时,王先生对自己花700元人民币(合113美元)新买的小米(Xiaomi)智能手机很着迷,他热切地告诉我们小米比iphone好多了。

    During our conversation , Mr. Wang was transfixed by his new smartphone - a Xiaomi bought for Rmb700 ( US $ 113 ) - and was intent on telling us how much better it was than our iPhones .

  2. 当我登门拜访时,王先生一家不在。

    It happened that the Wangs were out when I called .

  3. (开会时,王先生表达他个人的意见。)

    At the meeting Mr. Wang gave his personal opinion .

  4. 会议结束时,王先生为我们讲了一个笑话。

    Wang told us a joke at the end of the meeting .

  5. 当李同志吃好午饭回来时,王同志去找了他。

    When Comrade Li returned from lunch , Comrade Wang sought him out .

  6. 会议结束时,王先生作了发言。

    At the end of the meeting , Mr Wang made a speech .

  7. 警察来访时,王先生夫妇在举行生日聚会。

    The wangs were holding a birthday party when the police paid them a visit .

  8. 当外出散步时,王先生和王太太都会紧紧牵着手。

    Mr. and Mrs. Wang hold each other 's hands tightly when taking a walk outside .

  9. 当西列诺斯终于落到他手上时,王就问他:对于人绝好绝妙的是甚么呢?

    When he had finally caught him the king asked him what he considered man 's greatest good .

  10. 当被问及每间隔间收月租5100港币时,王女士表示,如果租三个月以上可以打折。

    Ms Wang is asking for HK $ 5100 per month for each pod . She offers discounted rates for people who rent the pod for more than three months .

  11. 当去探视的人回来报告可以平安出城时,王就派他的军长去开城门。

    As soon as the men brought their report to the king that it was safe to go out , the king sent one of his officers out to open the city gate .

  12. 当主持人艾伦问及他如何记住他演奏的全部音乐时,王的答案很简单:我只是很喜欢它,然后有时它就会跳转到我的手指上。

    When asked by DeGeneres how he remembers all the music he has to play , Wang 's answer was simple : I just love it , and then sometimes it goes to my fingers .

  13. 当我完成工作时,玻璃王将归来。

    When I finished my work , I think that the king of glass will be back .

  14. 在所有魔法师和智者对法老王的梦一语不赞时,法老王才指定约瑟为他解梦。

    In all the magicians and wise men of the Pharaoh 's dream when the words did not agree , Pharaoh appointed Joseph as his only dream .

  15. “有时我会在半夜醒来,没有任何原因,只是感到不舒服,特别是如果我长时间没有吃东西时,”王还说他很少去医院。

    " Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night without any reason and feel sick , especially if I haven 't eaten in a long time ," said Wang , adding that he rarely goes to a hospital .

  16. 在探讨罗马王政历史传统时,对拉丁王和埃特鲁斯王做了必要的区分。

    In the discussion of the former a differentiation between the Latin kings and the Etruscan kings is made .

  17. 我在大马士革时,阿勒达王的总督把守了大马士革人的城,要逮捕我。

    At Damascus , the governor of the nation under Aretas the king , guarded the city of the Damascenes , to apprehend me .

  18. 战国时,齐宣王喜欢听竽,通常是三百人的大合奏。

    During the Warring States Period ( 475-221BC ), the King of the State of Qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles . He often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music .