
  • 网络Mingshan District
  1. 经过分析,本文支持阳明山植物区系隶属于泛北极区的华东植物省。

    After floristic analysis , this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East-China Province , Holarctic Kingdom .

  2. 结果表明:阳明山植物区系包括314个热带属、344个温带属(包含中国特有的19个属),温带属略多于热带属类型,说明阳明山处于温带至热带的过渡地带。

    Data show that there are 314 tropical genera genus and 344 temperate genera present . We concluded that Yangming Mountain lies in a transitional zone between the temperate zone and the tropical zone .

  3. 在仪征泵站罐区的2口深井阳极地床中,采用金属氧化物作为阳极材料,取得了较好的效果。经过分析,本文支持阳明山植物区系隶属于泛北极区的华东植物省。

    In two deep well anode ground beds at tank zone of Yizheng Pump Station , metal oxide is used as an anode material and obtains good results . After floristic analysis , this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East-China Province , Holarctic Kingdom .