- 网络ephemeris data

Implemented real-time point positioning by Kalman filter using the real-time GPS observation and ephemeris data decoded from board . 4 .
This article mainly discusses the theory and feasibility of setting control network using multi-model GPS receiver . It introduces the methods and skills of the field collection and post processing for the Ephemeris data .
Gravity Field Model Recovery Based on GRACE Ephemerides
Firstly , based on the study of the structure of Navigation message frame , according to ICD-GPS-200 norm , the ephemeris data in navigation message are interpreted and used as the foundation of solving the instantaneous location of satellite .
In the end , the analysis of error sources and the method of further improving location accuracy are given .
Finally , after analysis , the positioning accuracy of the positioning model in this paper is mainly influenced by effectiveness of the earth model , slant range , and the accuracy of both Doppler parameters measurement and satellite ephemeris data .
The most important context of this paper is : ( 1 ) Analysis of principle of satellite motion , analysis of GPS ephemeris data and observation data , designing of the model which can generate simulated ephemeris data and observation data .
To Jupiter GPS OEM board receiver of the low cost , the software was developed according to the original data of satellite , the primitive observation data of receiver and GPS theory of technology based on GPS Pseudo-range observation and Carrier phase measurement .
The Effect of Different Ephemeris on the Exactness of GPS Data Processing airborne ECM set for self defence
Orbit Computation and Data Fusion of GPS / GLONASS Integrated Navigation System
If IGS predicting ephemerides are applied to navigation calculation instead of the broadcast ones , the positioning accuracy can be increased by 5 m.
When we calculate satellite coordinates in the use of GPS broadcast ephemeris parameters and user algorithm , we may meet the condition that satellite coordinates accuracy is greatly reduced because of the missing data . How to solve this problem is worthy of discussion .