
  • 网络Nucifraga caryocatactes;Nutcracker
  1. 比如说,一种叫北美星鸦的鸟每年会储藏多达100,000粒种子,储藏在距离种子来源地30公里以外的地方,这种鸟与一些种类的松树存在着密切的共生关系,这些松树中尤其以白皮松居多。

    The bird Clark 's nutcracker , for example , hides up to 100,000 seeds per year , up to 30 kilometers away from the seed source , and has a very close symbiotic relationship with several pine species , most notably the whitebark pine .

  2. 星鸦一种星鸦属鸟,尤指生长在亚欧北部的星鸦和北美西部加州星鸦,与乌鸦有亲缘关系,主要以松果种子食。

    Any of various birds of the genus nucifraga , especially n.caryocatactes of northern Eurasia and n.columbiana of western North america , that are related to the crow and feed chiefly on the seeds of pine cones .