- 网络Stellar wind

The Stellar Wind is common in every kind of stars , and has a great impact on Stellar Evolution , Interstellar Medium , and so on .
The binary-technique is the line profile analysis method which is the most accurate one being applied in a ζ Aur / VV Cep binary system to detect the mass-loss-rates of the stellar wind of the red-giant or of the red-super-giants .
A model of sporadic stellar wind increase of hard X-ray transient source
X-Ray Pulsars with Disk in Wind-Fed Case
The wind accretion of the system ■ Cap & the model with conservation of orbital angular momentum
Taking account of δ r ≠ 0 , through the equation of conservation of orbital angular momentum , orbital parameters equations on the mass change are re-deduced .
Extrinsic AGB Stars on Wind Accretion Binary Evolution Model
Observational evidence for stellar winds obtained from radio , infrared , visible , UV and X-ray regions are given . And two important parameters , terminal velocity and mass loss rate , are discussed .
A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode as Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its company via either Roche lobe overflow or wind .
The Line Analysis Technique Apply to Determinations of Wind Mass-loss-rates of ζ Aur Type Systems
We also find that the anisotropy in the pulsar wind , which has been suggested in the research of Crab Nebula , plays a significant role in producing the two-peak profiles in both X-ray and TeV light curves .
Carrying out a series of Monte-Carlo simulations , the works of orbital elements of binaries are recalculated considering the influence of initial metallicity on S-process nucleosynthesis of intrinsic AGB stars , and here we adopt wind accretion scenario with the total angular momentum conservation .
This would make the object in SN1979C the youngest and brightest example of such a " pulsar wind nebula " and the youngest known neutron star .
A hybrid model consisting of a gas disc plus a slowly accelerating wind is used to calculate the X ray light curves in a Be and neutron star binary . The observational data of VO332 + 53 are coincident with some of them .
Based on a variable-mass two-body model , the effect of mass loss due to stellar wind on the orbit of the binary HD698 is discussed .
Anisotropy Losses of Mass due to Steller Wind in the Rotating Stellar
The Evolution of Massive Binary Systems with Shock Fronts of Colliding Winds
S process Element Overabundances of Ba Stars Through Wind Accretion
Spectrum Analysis of the Binary Systems with Expanding Shell Due to Stellar Wind
These multi-band characteristics are difficult to explain in the standard wind interaction model .
The Measurement of Mass Loss Rates of Binary Systems Enveloped in Winds or Expanding Shells
Dynamic elongated clouds envelop bubbles of multimillion degree gas produced by high-velocity winds from dying stars .
The change in the radiation temperature gradient and the criterion of convection , and the enhancement of stellar wind and angular momentum loss .
There is one other possible explanation for what scientists have seen : They could be watching the birth instead of a pulsar wind nebula .
The fantasy-like landscape of the nebula is sculpted by the action of outflowing winds and scorching ultraviolet radiation from the monster stars that inhabit this inferno .
The formation of belieal stellar winds requires high initial velocity and hige surface pressure The growth of radial velocity is limited by the atithuthal components of magnetic fields and velocity .
Some hydrodynamic simulations show that in the tail of the bow shock produced by the wind interaction , the bulk motion of the particles can reach the mild-relativistic or ultrarelativistic velocities .
Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation .
The combination of moon image and sun , star , wind or wine images demonstrates both the authors ' ideas of art and their feelings and thoughts .
Winds and intense radiation from hot , young , luminous stars in N44 excite and sculpt filaments and streamers of the glowing nebular gas .