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xīng qún
  • Constellation;asterism;group of stars;star group
星群 [xīng qún]
  • [star group] 在同一方向以相同的速度运动的许多恒星

星群[xīng qún]
  1. 第一个要素就是太阳星座,也即你出生当日星群中太阳的位置(请注意吠陀占星与西方占星有所区别)。

    The first indicator is the Sun sign & that is , the star group that the Sun was in on the day of your birth ( remember that Vedic is different than western astrology ) .

  2. 为了提高SPR概率,提出了将角距特征同星群几何特征相结合的SPR算法。

    A star pattern identification algorithm , based on angular distance and geometry configuration of star group , was provided in order to increase the probability of star pattern identification .

  3. 主星带辅星群干涉SAR编队设计的约束条件

    Restriction of Spaceborne Multistatic InSAR Formation Configuration Design

  4. 研究了角距、星等、星群几何结构等星模式识别SPR(StarPatternRecognition)特征。

    The SPR ( Star Pattern Recognition ) features such as angular distance visual magnitude and configuration of star group were investigated .

  5. 北斗是BigDipper的中文名字,从太阳系中看去,它是最明亮的星群,长期以来都是旅行者的重要导航标志。

    Beidou is the Chinese name for the Big Dipper constellation , one of the brightest clusters of stars in the solar system , which long served as a crucial navigational tool for travelers .

  6. 该算法以星模式矢量矩阵的奇异值作为星模式识别特征,以最小Boltzmann熵作为选取星群的准则。

    The singular values of star pattern vector matrix were utilized as identification feature in star pattern matching , and the minimum Boltzmann entropy was used as criteria to select star group .

  7. 在定位模式下,你要从数据库中选择一个目标,可以是行星、恒星、星座或星群&星座内的一簇恒星,如北斗七星(BigDipper)。

    In locate mode , you select a target from the database , be it a planet , star , constellation or asterism - a pattern of stars within a constellatioin : for example , the Big Dipper .

  8. 针对主星带辅星群编队InSAR的双站、斜视、空间基线等特点,首先建立绝对测高误差与相对测高误差模型;

    Based on bistatic , squint and spatial baseline characteristics of spaceborne parasitical interferometric synthetic aperture radar ( InSAR ), models of absolute and relative digital elevation model ( DEM ) errors are set up .

  9. 反过来,这很好地证明了星群爆发的存在。

    That , in turn , is good evidence of a starburst .

  10. 昂宿星团的星群位于金牛座28度。

    The star cluster of the Pleiades is located at28 degrees taurus .

  11. 1/1共振处小行星群的稳定性

    The stability of asteroid group in the 1 / 1 resonant region

  12. 他坐着注视野星群几小时。

    For hours he sat gazing at the stars .

  13. 这次发射是“星群二号”太空船计划的实施第一步。

    The launch is the first stage in the key Cluster II programme .

  14. 较为普通的星系,同样有可能受制于星群爆发。

    More homely galaxies , too , may be controlled by their starbursts .

  15. 星群爆发的影响也许更要复杂。

    Starbursts may have more subtle effects as well .

  16. 我看见他的头映在星群中间。

    I see his head among the stars .

  17. 夜晚我们可以看见星群。

    We can see the stars at night .

  18. 星群出版社及其《诗创造》、《中国新诗》研究

    A Study on Xing Qun Press and Its Poetry to Create & Chinese Poetry

  19. .现代的天文学家已发现了一百万类似的星群。.

    Modern astronomers have discovered a million such galaxies

  20. 来自炎热的星群之紫外线,使得周围的星云发光。

    Ultraviolet light from the hot cluster stars causes the surrounding nebula to glow .

  21. 他站着凝星群。

    He stood gazing at the stars .

  22. 这些璀璨的星群就如同你与我。

    Those constellations look like you and I.

  23. 和朦胧的黄色天鹅星云以及天蝎座的双翼蝴蝶星群景象。

    the misty , yellow Swan Nebula ; and the Scorpio Constellation 's bi-winged Butterfly Cluster .

  24. 例如,狮子座流星雨的辐射点就位于狮子座星群。

    For instance , the radiant for the Leonid meteor shower is located in the constellation Leo .

  25. 你会有唯一的一次,躺在冬季的星群小小火焰下。

    And you will be able for once to lie down under the small fire of winter stars .

  26. 我刚刚从我哥哥那知道,星群移动了,真有趣!

    I just recently learned from my brother that the constellations have moved , which is very interesting !

  27. 这些恒星形成了一个星群,它的形状很像手表。

    These stars form a group , the shape of which is rather like the shape of a watch .

  28. 有哪一位勇士敢于深入到如此吸引人的亚马逊星群当中呢?

    Whether someone will dare to get into the depth of the constellation of Amazons that attracts so much ?

  29. 前几段我解释我们的祖先用十二星群命名十二黄道星座。

    Several paragraphs ago , I explained that my predecessors named their twelve zodiac signs after the twelve constellations .

  30. 他们也十分明白这些星群并不与黄道星座匹配。

    They also knew , perfectly well , that those constellations didn 't match up with the equal zodiac signs .