
yí cún
  • remains;historical remains;epitaph;leave over
遗存 [yí cún]
  • (1) [leave over] 遗留下来

  • 这些石刻遗存至今已有千年

  • (2) [historical remains]∶也指古代遗留下来的东西

遗存[yí cún]
  1. 河北张北一带细石器文化遗存

    The Microlithic Culture Remains in the Zhangbei Region of Hebei Province

  2. 连云港境内吴文化遗存的初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Remains of Wu Culture in Lianyungang

  3. 在现在的教堂下面是古罗马时期地面的遗存。

    Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring

  4. 今年5月,世界遗存联盟(WorldConservationUnion)说已经受到威胁的已知物种高达1万6千119种。

    In May , the World Conservation Union said the number of known threatened species stood at16,119 .

  5. 3S技术在历史、文化地理学研究中的应用分析由平谷早期文化遗存分布论其历史地理特征

    Application and Analysis of " 3S " in Research on Historical Geography and Cultural Geography A Study of the Historical and Geological Features of Ping Gu Based on the Distribution of Its Early Cultural Relics

  6. 我国历史文化名镇(MajorHistoricTown)保护发展的成就显而易见,然而其它历史城镇的历史文化遗存规模较小、分布较散、层次较低,非物质文化也几乎消失殆尽。

    Major Historic Town in China got an obvious success on its conservation and development . However , some other historic towns only left historical relics which is smaller , more scattered , low-level historical and cultural relics . Yet , the intangible cultural heritage has almost disappeared .

  7. 陕西榆林地区夏代文化遗存考察

    Investigation of the Xia Culture Ruins at Yulin Area in Shaanxi

  8. 新疆民族乐舞中的萨满文化遗存

    Primitive Shaman culture in National Dance with Musical Accompaniment in Xinjiang

  9. 城市历史环境指城市中历史上遗存的形体环境。

    Urban historical environment is the physique the city left behind .

  10. 西部城市建设与利用历史文化遗存

    Western urban construction and utilization of historic and cultural relics

  11. 在已发掘的遗址中多出土有史前房屋遗存。

    In most of these sites , prehistoric house foundations were unearthed .

  12. 试论沅水下游旧石器遗存

    Discussion on Paleolithic Remains along Lower Reaches of Yuan River

  13. 史前遗存中生产工具与建筑工具的比较研究

    Comparison and Contrast on Farming Tools and Construction Tools of Prehistoric Sites

  14. 中国北方史前遗址稻作遗存的植物硅酸体判别标准

    Phytolith diagnostic characteristics of rice remains at prehistoric settlements in North China

  15. 黄河三角洲古文化遗存的时代意蕴

    The Epochal significance of the Ancient Culture Remains of Yellow River Delta

  16. 李觏遗存及祭祀述略

    Li Gou 's Historical Remains and Sacrifices Offered to Him

  17. 二里头文化时期渭河流域的文化变迁&从老牛坡类型远古文化遗存谈起

    The Cultural Vicissitude of Wei River Valley in Erlitou Culture

  18. 仰韶时期器皿的遗存也发现于这一遗址。

    Survivals of Yang-shao wares were discovered on this site .

  19. 文华书院遗存建筑的研究与保护

    The Research and Protection of Historical Remains of Boon Memorial School Memorial Building

  20. 第三部分:各区考古遗存的面貌特征。

    Part III : the characteristics of the archaeological remains in different districts .

  21. 世界自然遗产是大自然馈赠给人类的珍贵遗存。

    The world natural heritages are precious remains granted to humankind by nature .

  22. 从新石器时代的考古遗存中就已经出现了随葬动物的现象。

    From the New Stone Age archaeological remains had been buried animal phenomenon .

  23. 大遗址可界定为具有重要价值的大面积文化遗存。

    The great site is kinds of cultural relics .

  24. 迄今为止在这些地区发现了诸多商代早期的遗存。

    In these areas , we have found many early Shang Dynasty relics .

  25. 内蒙古苏尼特左旗古人类遗存点的发现及意义

    Discovery of ancient human relic sites in CENTRAL-NORTHERN Inner Mongolia and its significance

  26. 大多数社会都非常重视保护文化遗存。

    Most societies place importance on preserving artifacts of their culture and heritage .

  27. 抢救河南民间美术遗存的意义

    The Meaning of Saving Henan Folk Arts Remains

  28. 重庆铜元局厂房遗存考察及保护设想

    Inspecting and protecting imaginations of Chongqing copper Bureau

  29. 历代中原铜镜的工艺类型及在新疆的遗存

    Remains and Technological Types of Central Plains Bronze Mirror of Previous Ages in Xinjiang

  30. 手工业遗存是考古学研究的重要内容之一。

    Handicraft industry is one of the most important studies in the Archaeological field .