
  • 网络Regret theory
  1. ADR这一概念的提出虽是在近代的美国,然而实践意义上的ADR在我国自古就有,并且形式多样,各有所长,遗憾的是理论和立法没有明确将其整合起来形成机制。

    Although the conception of ADR in the United States was put forward in modern times , the practice of ADR was in China since ancient times and in various forms , of different strengths , unfortunately there is no clear theoretical and legislative mechanism to integrate them .

  2. 以往对于上述课题的研究有成功也有许多遗憾,科学理论方法的缺失是主要原因之一。

    The past research yield success and shortcomings . The latter is attributable to the lack of good scientific theories and methods .