
  • 网络forgotten things;forgets
  1. 遗失物与遗忘物法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System of Lost Things and Forgotten Things

  2. 刑法上的遗忘物包括遗失物,指非基于他人本意而失去控制,偶然(即不是基于委托关系)由行为人占有或占有人不明的财物;

    Forgets in the criminal law including to lost , refers to property someone accidentally ( namely not based on request relations ) holds or property whose holders are unclear that lost control not based on the owner 's original intention ;

  3. 浅析侵占罪行为对象中的遗忘物和埋藏物

    Oblivious Goods and Embedded Goods in the Object of Crime of Embezzlement

  4. 论侵占罪中的遗忘物

    On the Forgotten Property in the Crime of Embezzlement

  5. 这部分主要讨论侵占遗忘物、埋藏物的问题。

    This section focuses on issues of embezzling the forgotten property and the buried property .

  6. 在遗忘物问题上,笔者认为遗忘物与遗失物不应在侵占罪定罪处罚上给予不同评价。

    Of the forgotten object , the writer believes that should not be punished and differently evaluated between forgotten-and in the Lost Property .

  7. 关于遗忘物的定义和范围,新《刑法》没有明确加以规定,也无司法解释可以参考。

    The new criminal law does not stipulate explicitly the definition and the scope of the forgotten property , and there is no judicature interpretation to refer yet .

  8. 如何界定遗忘物关系到行为的罪与非罪,也是区别侵占罪与盗窃罪的关键问题。

    How to define " the forgotten property " determines whether the conduct is criminal or innocent , whether it falls into the category of the crime of conversion or larceny .

  9. 在盗窃罪与侵占罪的界限认定中,重点讨论了侵占遗忘物与盗窃遗忘物的界限。

    With respect to the recognition for the limits of theft crime and embezzlement crime , the Author materially discusses the limits of possessing the lost property and thieving the lost property .

  10. 提出了在不同场所中,对遗忘物的二重控制关系的认定标准。第二个问题讨论了财产控制关系对财产犯罪形态认定的影响。

    The Author states the recognition standards for the double-controlling relation of the lost property in different premises . Secondly , effects of property controlling relations to recognition of property crime morphology .

  11. 三是刑法上的遗忘物应包括遗失物,遗忘物与遗失物的区分并不重要,关键在于其本质&脱离持有物。

    Third , in criminal law forgetting things should include the lost objects , also the discrimination or the formulation between forgetting things and the lost objects is unimportant , the key lies in its essence - the things separating from possessors .

  12. 将他人的遗忘物或者埋藏物非法占为己有,数额较大,拒不交出的,依照前款的规定处罚。

    Whoever unlawfully takes possession of an object , which another person has forgotten about or buried , and refuses to hand it over , if the amount is relatively large , shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  13. 遗忘物的一个重要特点是,在遗置场所,场所管理人员有权对遗忘物行使第二重控制权,失主不仅能回忆起财物的处所,而且及时采取措施便能迅速恢复对财物的控制。

    One important feature of the oblivious property is that in the spot the manager have the right to perform the second control right ; the loser can not only recall the location of the property but also take measures in time in order to recover his control right immediately .