
  • 网络cursus honorum;Consus Honorum
  1. 可以通过实行资格认证制度、科学划分职级序列、实施培训进修机制和健全考核晋升体系来建立和完善学生工作专业化。

    Related measures for the purpose of establishing and bettering student work in universities includes qualification authentification , professional ranking , vocational training and perfection of assessment system .

  2. 目前,在会计教育中,会计教师队伍不稳定、人才流失、总体素质不高、考核与晋升体系不合理等因素严重制约高等会计教育的发展。

    Summary : In accounting education , the development of higher accounting teaching is seriously limited because of the unstability of accounting teachers , the loss of intellectuals , the low level of general qualities and the unreasonable examination and promoting system nowadays .

  3. 本文针对IT制造业激励机制存在的问题提出六条对策:建立科学的绩效考核体系、建立有效的奖励制度、建立培训体系、建立职位晋升体系、企业文化建设和加快本土化进程等。

    The paper brings forward 6 countermeasures to solve the problems facing the IT manufacture 's motivation mechanism , namely , scientific performance assessment system , effective rewarding system , promotion system staff training system , company culture and local employee strategy of multinational Co.

  4. 我院职称晋升量化评审体系建立初探

    Preliminary study on the quantification appraisal system for promotion of professional title

  5. 你所在的公司是否有可帮助消除性别歧视的透明的、基于工作表现的晋升或薪资体系?

    Does your workplace have transparent , performance-based advancement or compensation systems that help eliminate gender inequities ?

  6. 但最重要的还是要建立可消除性别歧视的、透明的、基于工作表现的晋升或薪资体系。

    Above all , a promotion or salary system , which is non-sexual-discrimination , transparent and based on job performance , shall be established as soon as possible .

  7. 科技界需要通力合作、改变这个科学家寻求个人晋升和承认的体系。

    S & T communities will have to work collectively and change a system where researchers seek individual promotion and recognition .