
  • 网络prut;Prut River;River Prut;Pruth
  1. 多瑙河的支流普鲁特河,形成了河摩尔多瓦的边界。

    The Danube is joined by the Prut River , which forms the border with Moldova .

  2. 摩尔多瓦西面是以普鲁特河为国界,这条河与多瑙河汇合流入黑海。

    The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river , which joins the Danube before flowing into the Black Sea .

  3. 它与罗马尼亚的国界沿着普鲁特河和多瑙河下游。

    Its border with Romania follows the Prut and lower Danube rivers .

  4. 令人意想不到的是,彼得和叶卡捷琳娜竟然坠入爱河。1711年,彼得陷入土耳其军队的重围(译注:1711年俄土战争,彼得一世亲征普鲁特河),叶卡捷琳娜用珠宝贿赂敌军,帮他突围保住皇位,并令俄军撤退,使其免遭歼灭。

    Somewhat unexpectedly , Peter and Catherine fell in love , and she even managed to save his empire in from the Turks in 1711 , offering her jewels as a bribe and allowing the Russians to retreat rather than face annihilation .