
  • 网络Pueblo;Puebloan
  1. 普韦布洛轨道加载车不仅达到了预定目标而且还具有更多的功能

    Pueblo 's Track-Loading Vehicle lives up to its promise - and more

  2. 普韦布洛号危机与美朝谈判

    " Pueblo " Crisis and USA & DPRK Negotiation

  3. 该项研究在科罗拉多州的普韦布洛进行。

    The study took place in Pueblo , Colorado .

  4. 多米尼加共和国普韦布洛别霍地区内格罗山金&银矿床的地质学

    Geology Of the Monte Negro Gold-Silver Deposit , Pueblo Viejo District , Dominican Republic

  5. 佩哈切克医生说,研究人员还对普韦布洛附近一些没有禁烟法的城市进行了研究。

    Dr. Pechacek says researchers also studied nearby areas in Colorado without smoking bans .

  6. 和普韦布洛印地安人有联系地早期美国印地安人;以编篮子的技术而闻名。

    Early Amerindians related to the Pueblo Indians ; known for skill in making baskets .

  7. 科罗拉多州的普韦布洛市2003年通过了一项禁止在公共场合和工作场合吸烟的法律。

    In2003 , the city of Pueblo , Colorado passed a law making public places and workplaces smoke-free .

  8. 这也是对奥沙的东科,在尤特和普韦布洛印第安人的家园。

    It was also the homeland of the Osage , the Kaw , the Ute and the Pueblo Indians .

  9. 研究人员发现在普韦布洛附近未实施禁烟令的地区,心脏病的发病数量没有多大变化。

    The researchers found no considerable change in the number of heart attacks in areas near Pueblo without smoking bans .

  10. 在普韦布洛,专家称这次选举与其说是选民的表现决定,不如说是由选民们的参与决定。

    In Pueblo , experts say , the election will be determined not so much by voter preference as voter participation .

  11. 该公园的考古学家们已经发现了许多古代普韦布洛印第安人所使用的物品,包括瓦罐、工具和珠宝。

    The park 's archeologists have recovered many objects that the ancient Pueblo people used , including pots , tools and jewelry .

  12. 普韦布洛印第安人说,在他们开始狩猎之前,他们会唱歌,一心祈祷狩猎成功。

    Pueblo Indians say that before they start on the hunt , they sing , bending every thought on prayerful wish for success .

  13. 在普韦布洛这炎热的一天中,多米尼克·马丁内斯挨家挨户的走访,试图找到四年前支持民主党的选民们。

    On a hot day in Pueblo , Dominic Martinez goes house-to-house , trying to find voters who favored the Democratic Party four years ago .

  14. 西南部印第安人大致可以分成四部分:尤马诸部落、皮马人和帕帕戈人、普韦布洛印第安人、纳瓦霍人和阿帕契人。

    S.The Southwest Indians divide roughly into four groupings : the Yuman tribes , the Pima and Papago , the Pueblo , and the Navajo and Apache .

  15. 殷永日(音译)上将在美国军舰普韦布洛号前接受了我的采访,这艘军舰是朝鲜在1968年捕获的美国海军间谍船。

    Senior Lieutenant Colonel Un Yong Il speaks to me in front of the USS Pueblo , a U.S. Navy spy ship North Korea captured in 1968 .

  16. 1968年12月23日,八十二名美国普韦布洛情报船船员在被朝鲜逮捕11个月后释放。

    On Dec. 23 , 1968 , eighty-two crew members of the U.S. intelligence ship Pueblo were released by North Korea , 11 months after they had been captured .

  17. 北佛罗里达大学的约翰·坎特纳博士表示他几十年来一直研究查科肯扬南部地貌,这是现在被称为布鲁杰,实际上是普韦布洛祖先们的地区。

    Dr.John Kantner with the University of North Florida says he studied the landscape south of Chaco Kenyon for decades and new there were homes from Pueblo ancestors in an area now called Blue Jay .

  18. 对美国西部科罗拉多州普韦布洛市一项禁烟活动进行研究的人员称,在这个城市实行的禁烟法已经使得因为心脏病发作而住院的人减少了百分之40。

    Researchers studying a smoking ban in the western U.S. state of Colorado say a no smoking law in one city led to a 40 percent decrease in the number of residents hospitalized for heart attacks .

  19. 美国有几个州(加利福尼亚州[1995年]是第一个)和几个城市,比如科罗拉多州普韦布洛市、得克萨斯州厄尔巴索市,先于爱尔兰禁烟。爱尔兰的下一个健康目标是什么?

    A handful of states in the United States preceded Ireland - California , in 1995 , was the first - as well as various cities , like Pueblo , Colo. , and El Paso , Tex. Ireland 's next health target ?