
  • 网络class system;hierarchy;The Caste System
  1. 她相信阶级制度恒久不变。

    She believed in the fixity of the class system .

  2. 社会的阶级制度是否已被种姓制度取代?

    Had our class system been replaced by a caste system ?

  3. 他坚决支持法国社会的传统阶级制度

    He clung to the traditional order of French society .

  4. 这种阶级制度是一种基因的质量吗?

    Is this hierarchy , again , a genetic quality ?

  5. 有一个非常明确的阶级制度也出现了。

    there has been a very clear class system that also has emerged .

  6. 欧洲仍然存有其古老的阶级制度。

    Europe still had its old class system .

  7. 知识分子往往自视为独立于阶级制度之外、自成一体的集团。

    The intelligentsia often see themselves as a self-contained group outside the class system .

  8. 那天晚上,我意识到,在情感中也的确存在着阶级制度。

    That night , I realized that relationships had a caste system of their own .

  9. 公司呆板的阶级制度

    The inflexible hierarchy of a company

  10. 喀斯特阶级制度在印度变得非常快,而且流动性也比较大的。

    The caste system is changing fast in India , and it has become more fluid .

  11. 英国阶级制度一大特点是:贵族头衔仍然可以继承。

    One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited .

  12. 所以那种心理阶级制度,是否能转译为,介于不同人种间的社会阶级制度?

    So does that psychological hierarchy translate itself into a kind of social hierarchy ? between different kinds of people ?

  13. 许多国家有两个阶级制度,特权只随财富而来。

    In many nations , there is a " two-class system " in which privilege exists only when it is accompanied by wealth .

  14. 自然的阶级制度,似乎是一种智慧的阶级制度,或至少是理性的阶级制度。

    The natural hierarchy , then , seems to be a sort of hierarchy of intelligence or at least a hierarchy of the rational .

  15. 他的理论引导了一波“以孩子为核心的学习”的潮流,并在上世纪60年代进一步扩大了影响,动摇了学校里的阶级制度,使大家不再惟考试是从。

    His theories spawned a vogue for " child-centred learning ", accelerating in the1960s into a challenge to school hierarchies and a carelessness about exams .

  16. 在享用生鱼片晚餐时,他声称自己发现了英国阶级制度中跟日本所谓的古怪之处同样离奇的地方。

    Over a raw-fish supper , he professed to find the eccentricities of Britain 's class system every bit as puzzling as Japan 's supposed oddities .

  17. 若是后者,即智慧的阶级制度,或说理性的阶级制度,是教养的结果,那奴役如何能以自然演变加以辩护?

    If the latter , if this hierarchy of intelligence or this hierarchy of the rational is the result of upbringing ,? then how can slavery be defended as natural ?

  18. 在一定程度上,追求平等体现了现代社会对阶级制度的强烈反对,这种制度统治朝鲜半岛长达数百年之久,直到20世纪初期朝鲜沦为日本殖民地之后才有所改观。

    The equality drive is partly a modern-day backlash against the class system that governed the Korean peninsula for centuries until it was colonized by Japan in the early20th century .

  19. 因为阶级制度,大部份信徒都是来自相同的阶级及家庭成员或亲戚同住一个地方。

    Due to the caste system , most of the believers are integrated to a certain locality where people of the same caste dwells and most are from the same family-relatives .

  20. 以近代戊戌变法和辛亥革命这两次极具代表性的重大历史事件为例,揭示维新派的政治激进主义、新兴资产阶级制度西方化等政治变革所存在的局限。

    Taking two representative events & Modern Reform Movement of 1898 and 1911 Revolution as the examples , the paper expounds the limitations existing in the political radicalism of reforming clique and the westernized system of emerging bourgeoisie .

  21. 假释制度是近代资产阶级刑罚制度的产物,是一项重要的行刑制度。

    The parole originating from capitalistic punishment system is an important way of enforcement of punishment .

  22. 古典自然法对近代资产阶级法律制度的建立有着深刻的影响。

    The classical natural law has the profound influence on the establishment of bourgeoisie legal regime in modern times .

  23. 在她与克莱的关系上,也暴露出资产阶级婚姻制度和道德观念的虚伪和残暴。

    In her relationship with Klein , has also revealed that bourgeois marriage and the moral values of hypocrisy and brutality .

  24. 蔡元培是中国近代资产阶级教育制度的创立者和奠基人,并为资产阶级教育思想的传播做出了卓越的贡献。

    As a founder of the bourgeois educational system in China 's modern times , Cai Yuanpei made a great contribution to the dissemination of the bourgeois educational ideology .

  25. 在此基础上,以马克思主义的历史唯物主义为指导,对资产阶级议会制度在中国的作用进行全面、系统和深入的分析,对其坎坷的历史命运进行评价,力求得出客观、公允的结论。

    Another aim is to analyze the effect of the bourgeoisie parliamentary thoughts by using the historical materialistic method of Marxism , and draw out an impersonal and faire conclusion .

  26. 他在中国近代教育方面所做的独创性研究,对中国近代资产阶级教育制度的建立和教育思想的发展,同样产生了深远的影响。

    Wang guowei 's academic contributions demonstrate that he is one of the few giants in the history of Chinese scholarship of the twentieth century , and his study in education bears great influence on establishment of modern Chinese Capitalist Education System and development of educational though .

  27. 汉堡社会研究所的HeinzBude发现,中产阶级对福利制度已不报幻想,这一情况与里根时代之前的美国相类似。

    Heinz Bude of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research detects a middle-class disenchantment with welfare , akin to America 's before Ronald Reagan .

  28. 应该消灭世界上的一切剥削阶级和剥削制度。

    The exploiting classes and systems should be abolished over the world .

  29. 近代意义的陪审制度萌芽于英国,资产阶级革命后陪审制度在普通法系国家走向成熟。

    After the bourgeois revolution , jury system in common law countries approached maturity .

  30. 资产阶级用来推翻封建制度的武器,现在却对准资产阶级自己了。

    The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself .