
  • 网络final report
  1. 这位核查员的最终报告没有准确反映事实。

    The examiner 's final report does not give an accurate picture .

  2. 双方未能就最终报告的措辞达成一致。

    The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report

  3. 总统今天发表了关于经济状况的最终报告。

    The President today issued his final report card on the state of the economy .

  4. 用热气元对双束FT-IR干涉仪频谱进行特征化和解释/最终报告

    Characterization and Interpretation of Spectra From a Dual-Beam FT-IR interferometer Using a Heated Gas Cell ; Final rept . Jan-Jun 1999

  5. Oakland航空港导航研究/最终报告

    Oakland Harbor Navigation Study ; Final rept

  6. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,雷穆勒决定在最终报告公布前不告知总统此次审计工作的情况。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham says Ruemmler decided not to tell president Obama about the audit before a final report was released .

  7. 追踪修复性措施请求并发行最终报告。

    Follow-up on corrective action requests and Issuing the final reports .

  8. 调查的最终报告指出了促进这类研究所需的步骤。

    Its final report outlines steps needed to promote such research .

  9. 联邦无线电导航计划,1999年/最终报告

    " Federal Radionavigation Plan , 1999 ; Final rept . "

  10. 在网络中心战时代的导航/最终报告

    Navigation in the Age of Network Centric Warfare ; Final rept

  11. 水下结构的定位和放置技术/最终报告

    Technologies for Positioning and Placement of Underwater Structures ; Final rept

  12. 动态瞄准与移动式导弹威胁/最终报告

    Dynamic Targeting and the Mobile Missile Threat ^ Final rept

  13. 在试验完成后提供最终报告。

    Submitting final report after the completion of the test .

  14. 委员会公布了它的最终报告,建议制订反对种族主义的立法。

    The committee published its final report , recommending legislation against racism .

  15. 但最终报告说竞选公正清白。

    But the final report said the race was clean .

  16. 最终报告应于土方工程竣工后编制。

    A final report must be prepared after finalisation of the earthworks .

  17. 而后来在最终报告中这一数字降至77.8岁。

    That figure later dropped to77.8 in the final report .

  18. 起草最终报告供经理审查批准。

    Draft final reports for manager review and approval .

  19. 信息过载与作战指挥员/最终报告

    Information Overload and the Operational Commander ; Final rept

  20. 信息战时代港口和铁路的脆弱性/最终报告

    Port and Rail Vulnerabilities in the Age of Information Warfare ; Final rept

  21. 专家审议小组的最终报告仅属咨询性质。

    The final report of the expert review group shall be advisory only .

  22. 视频侦察和监视系统CMUVSAM最终报告

    System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring CMU VSAM Final Report ; Final rept

  23. 发动机控制用的总线电流反馈/最终报告

    Bus Current Feedback for Motor Control ; Final rept

  24. 网络中心战和两栖作战的指挥与控制/最终报告

    Network-Centric Warfare and the Command and Control of Amphibious Operations ; Final rept

  25. 关于捐助的调查和最终报告还可以。

    Information on contributors to the survey and final report is also available .

  26. 承包人已在其最终报告中,包括了对此事的索赔。

    The contractor has included a claim in respect thereof in his final statement .

  27. 下面是一些最终报告的例子。

    Below are samples of final student reports .

  28. 该委员会一般会在其调查的事件一年内发布最终报告。

    The NTSB issues its final reports within a year of incidents it investigates .

  29. 香港证监会声称,这份包裹中的内容占最终报告的很大一部分。

    The SFC alleges the package formed a large part of the final report .

  30. 定位工具有效性报告/最终报告

    Positioning Tool Validation Report ; Final rept