
  1. 我们会实现最后的目标。

    The aims will be carried through to the end .

  2. 作为一名运动员,你最后的目标是代表你的国家。

    Your ultimate goal as an athlete is to represent your country .

  3. 双方必须拥护最后的目标。

    Both parties must embrace the end objective .

  4. 而最后的目标是以“内在美”出发的未来设计。

    The final aim of the future industry design is to design more products with " inner beauty " .

  5. 他们采取各种行动来达成最后的目标,“”是指那些跟随领导者的拥护者。

    They take all action necessary to reach that destination . " The pack " are the ones who follow the leader .

  6. 除非你发现你自己真的可以长期做一个自由职业者,否则记住你最后的目标是找到一个全职工作。

    Unless you can find yourself doing freelancing for the long haul , remember that your goal is to look for full-time employment .

  7. 如果你可以找到这样的事,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。

    If you could find such a thing , that would be the universal final good or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings .

  8. 从美国老板那得来数百万资金后,曼联一直在寻找最后的目标,签下特维斯是他们最期待的。

    With multi-million pound backing from their American investors , United have been flexing their financial muscle , but the signing of Tevez is their most ambitious .

  9. 如果你能找到那样一件事物,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。

    If you could find such a thing , that would be the universal final good , or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings .

  10. 个人和组织会“被鉴定”处于哪个层级,而不是简单的集中在最后的目标身上&软件的交付使用。

    People and organizations get caught up in being " certified " at a certain level rather than concentrating on the ultimate goal & which is to deliver software .

  11. 因为如果最后的目标是全面直选的话,亦要开始讨论这个比例何时可以放松和日后应如何修改。

    This was because if universal suffrage were the ultimate goal , discussion should begin on when the ratio could be relaxed and what changes should be made in future .

  12. Snake模型是一种基于高层信息的有效目标轮廓提取算法,其优点是作用过程及最后结果的目标轮廓是一条完整的曲线,从而引起广泛的关注。

    Snake model is an effective edge extraction algorithm based on advanced information . Its advantage is that during and after the calculation the edge of the object is a continuous curve , so it attracts more and more attention .

  13. 在星期二的新闻发布会上威勒说,这实现了NASA在1990年哈勃望远镜发射前就赋于它最后的主要目标。“十八年半的梦想变为现实。”

    In a news conference Thursday , Weiler said this fulfills the last of the major goals that NASA had for the Hubble telescope before it launched in1990 : " This is an181 / 2-year dream come true . "

  14. 论文最后部分的目标就是要解决这两个问题。

    This part aims to tackle these two problems .

  15. 最后我的目标是可以做区域经理的位子。

    Eventually , I wanna be a regional manager .

  16. 内观禅修对神只字未提,因为神的概念被某些佛教徒视为是最后的依赖目标、最终的靠山,是通往解脱过程中最后将舍弃的事物。

    There isn 't even any talk about " God " in Vipassana , since the notion of God is considered by some Buddhists to be the final object of dependency , the ultimate fuzzy security blanket , the last thing to be abandoned on the path to pure detachment .

  17. 最后,我们的目标非常明确,就是将这一基础结构变为行业标准。

    Finally , we quite our intention to make this architecture an industry standard .

  18. 本章最后一节的目标就是用体系结构的角度来解释这个架构。

    The goal of the last section of the chapter is then to explain the framework from an architectural point of view .

  19. 最后在新的目标函数下利用拉格朗日乘子以及基本梯度优化算法得到了一种新的反演算法称为符号梯度反演算法。

    Finally under the new objective function , by using Lagrange multiplier and basic gradient optimization algorithm we obtain a new inverse algorithm called sign gradient inverse algorithm .

  20. 最后,它们的目标是发展一系列同时拥有共性以及差异性的产品,同时允许在不同的产品之间存在很高程度的差异性。

    Ultimately , their goal is to evolve a set of products that have both commonality and variation built into them , while allowing a high degree of variability between the different products .

  21. 最后,模式的目标之一是提供一致性,以便最终能因为在设计中使用了模式而基于相同的一组需求得到相同的体系结构。

    Finally , one of the goals of patterns is to provide consistency so that you end up with the same architecture based on the same set of requirements because you used patterns in your design .

  22. 该软件实现了大幅遥感图像的预分块,然后利用水平集方法提取每幅图中道路,最后拼接回去的目标。

    The software contains the image pre-processing functions and the road feature extraction functions . It divides the large RS image into sub-images , then extracts the roads from each sub-image with the level set method , finally puts them together .

  23. 本文以《关于保证面临死刑者权利的保护的保障措施》这一国际条文为视点,通过立法和司法两方面的措施来达到限制死刑、最后废除死刑的目标。

    From the angle of the Measures Concerning the Protection of the Rights of Those Condemned to Death , this article maintains that the goal of abolishment of death penalty can only be accomplished by the joint effort of the legislature and the judiciary .

  24. 第一部分最后根据设计的预期目标对终端进行了SIP实现流程、功能和互操作性三个方面的测试。

    Finally , the consistency , interoperability and performance of the terminal are evaluated according to the design objective .

  25. 第一章首先介绍与本文相关的研究工作,接着分析现有NC代码生成方法存在的问题,最后给出本文的研究目标和主要研究内容。

    The thesis is organized as follows : Chapter 1 introduces the related work first , then points out the main problems of the current NC code generation methods , and finally ends with the objectives and primary research contents of this thesis .

  26. 最后对本文设计的目标系统进行了测试,实验结果表明本文的设计方案可行,实现了设计要求。

    The results show that the realization of the design requirements .

  27. 最后,政府政策的目标应当是实现最大幸福。

    Finally , policy should aim at achieving the greatest happiness .

  28. 最后达到所期望的目标,即情与理的平衡。

    Finally achieved expected target , the balance of emotion and reason .

  29. 最后,制定精确的目标帮助青少年规划一个“组合职业”。

    Ultimately , developing precise goals helps teenagers plan for a ' portfolio career . "

  30. 最后,作为研究的目标,提出了一个改进的基于输入法引擎标准的框架。

    Finally , as the object of study , a reformative framework based on IME Standard is proposed .